I glared up at her before pulling myself away from Khloe and standing up. "Holy. Shit." Khloe exhaled, looking up to me. "Were you following me?"

"I.. I was? But not the whole way. I just wanted to make sure that you got home safe because you weren't paying attention." I felt my blood begin to boil again. "And thankfully I was because that semi would have completely took you out!"

"I- I'm sorry." she mumbled, looking over to Eleanor. I shook my head and started to walk in front of them. "Where are you going?"

"Taking you home safely, so are you coming or what?"

"Niall, I- yeah." she huffed, jogging to catch up with me.

We finally made it to her dorm, safely, may I add. Eleanor quickly went to her room, while I followed Khloe to hers.

"I'm safe so, thanks. You don't want me, and I don't want to be friends like that, so you can just leave me be now." She mumbled.

I leant in and kissed her lips. She was taken back for a second, but was quick to recover and kiss back. Our lips moved in sync, our breathing growing heavy.

I hate the effect she has on me. I hate how I can't just get rid of her like all of the others. She completely has me wrapped around her damn finger and I hate that. I cannot stand this feeling.

I just don't want her to get hurt. I don't want to be that one to hurt her because I can't give her what she wants.

I pulled away, staring down at her. Her eyes blinked open and she stared back at me.

"I'm confused." she whispered.

"That's perfectly fine." I lied. I opened her door for her and helped her inside. The lights were off meaning that Gemma was probably gone or fell asleep early. "You did good at practice today. I'll see you later." I stated, walking out and shutting the door behind me.

I quickly made my way back home where I took a quick shower and crawled into bed. It smelled like her, the sweet smell of tropical flowers and coconut. I hatted it, but nuzzled into the covers anyways. I was frustrated. I was confused too. I've never had a girl do this to me.

I went down on her, I let her sleep in my bed, I walked her home. I was breaking so many of my own rules. Why? What did Khloe Sparks have one me? Why was she so different?


I woke up and slipped on a some clothes before packing my bag and quickly brushing my teeth.

Harry had texted me, telling me to meet him at the small café on the way to class.

I quickly made my way there, ordering myself a small coffee before sitting down. I smiled at the girl who seemed to fawn over me as she handed me the drink.

I took a sip, sitting next to Harry who had a worried look on his face. "Jonah's back." Were the first words out of his mouth, making me just about spit my drink all over him.

I cleared my throat. Clearly I heard that wrong. "W-what?"

"He was talking to Dr. Housely (the administrator of the college) this morning." Harry sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Khloe." Her name left my mouth in a short breath.

"Does she know of him? Have you told her?"

"I have no clue if she knows him. If she does, she's going to be really pissed. If not, I don't know..." I trailed off.

Okay, this is getting worse than I thought. He got kicked off campus, as well. Surely his dad wouldn't have payed to get him back too, right? Especially not with Khloe being here.. which could really only mean two things. Fuck.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now