Chapter Four

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Standing in front of the mirror in her room, Eir was brushing her hair. She had decided to let it loose, like she usually did. She was in no mood to braid it. She was wearing a dress that was almost the exact shade of brown as her hair. Her mother absolutely detested that dress, but still, it suited her.

The woman had been examining her attire for at least five minutes to make sure there was no fault in her appearance, before she heard someone knocking on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and in came Brandt, dressed in his best attire. A small smile formed on his lips as he took in her appearance before his eyes rested on her reflection's and he gestured to her to leave the mirror. Realising they had to leave, she nodded and followed after him.

The two siblings walked side by side as they reached the main hall, where Cuyler and their parents were. Ingrid could not help but grimace slightly at the sight of the dress her daughter was wearing, but she soon managed to mask her dislike as she and her husband linked arms.

"Are we all ready to go?" Brynjar asked his children and wife. They nodded, and so, they left their house and walked all the way to the palace.

For once, Cuyler remained quiet, and Eir, after some time, caught herself thinking that something was wrong. After all, during these last days, he had found many things to frown upon. However, she remained quiet, not wishing for him to start his complaints and not the least bit pleasant observances. They reached the palace without anyone speaking up.

"Make sure to behave," Ingrid said as they made their way to the place the celebration would take place.

"Mother, when do we not?" Brandt asked with a small chuckle. However, he did not receive a reply.

Once again, the members of the family remained silent as they finally reached the place the celebration would take place. Getting inside the room, Eir could not see anyone she knew at first, but it seemed like her brother had found those they usually talked to.

"Over there," he gestured to one direction, "I can see Hogun."

The three headed to Hogun, only to find him standing alone, his expression blank but as he noticed them coming, he allowed a small smile to form on his lips. "I had not expected company," he spoke as he turned to Cuyler. "Fandral is over there."

The three siblings turned to the direction the warrior had pointed at, only to see the blond speaking to a company of five women. He was holding a drink, Eir noticed.

"I'm going to join him," Cuyler said before turning around. They watched as he headed over to Fandral, a charming smile on his lips as he finally reached them. Like his friend, Cuyler did have his way with women. No one was really surprised when they saw him heading to the company.

"As for Volstagg, he is eating there," Hogun gestured to the other warrior, "and Thor along with Sif are over there."

The two turned to the direction Thor and Sif were supposed to be to see them talking.

"Thank you, Hogun," Brandt smiled as he took some steps back.

"Would you like us to keep you company?" Eir asked before she left after her brother.

"I like spending time alone, my lady," he nodded, "do enjoy yourselves tonight."

And so, the two siblings said their final goodbyes before heading to Thor and Sif. As soon as they noticed them coming, they dropped their conversation and turned to face them.

"What a pleasure to see you here," Thor greeted them, "how do you like the feast so far?"

"It hardly is any different than any other feast we've been to," Brandt replied with a small smile after nodding respectfully at Sif.

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