Chapter Three

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The wind was blowing her hair back as she urged her horse forward, the magnificent chestnut stallion not protesting as it ran even faster than before. She led the horse away from her home and at a small forest nearby, making sure to keep her body close to the animal's so she wouldn't get hit by any kind of branch. She only made the horse stop when they were deep in the forest.

Eir had left home for the morning, as she could not quite stand being in the presence of Cuyler at the moment. He was his usual annoying self, but she could not handle it that morning. Not wishing to lose her temper, she had decided to leave for a short while just so she could occupy herself with something else.

Swiftly, she jumped off her horse's back and briefly looked around her, noticing there wasn't any person or animal around. At least, that was the case until a crow came to stand on a branch near her.

She was somewhat unnerved by the creature, but nevertheless, she did not pay much mind to it as she turned to her horse and started petting it.

"Such a good boy," she murmured with a smile. The horse, as if knowing exactly what she was talking about, stomped its foot on the ground and let out a low neigh. Eir could not help but chuckle as she rested her forehead on the animal's cheek. "Such a good boy."

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were in love with the horse."

A small yelp escaped her lips as she turned around, only to see Loki some feet away from her, his arms clasped behind his back and a small smirk on his lips. She placed a hand over her heart as she tried to steady her breathing.

"You startled me, my Prince."

"Forgive me, I should have predicted you had eyes only for the horse."

"Alvis is not just a horse," she stuck her chin out before turning to the horse with a soft look. "Am I not right, Alvis?"

The horse neighed once again, bringing the man to shake his head. "I'm certain he is a very special horse."

"He is," she nodded before her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "When did you come here?"

"You noticed me," he smirked slightly, "you saw me just seconds ago."

A small frown formed on her lips. "I didn't see-" her voice trailed off as she looked at the branch the crow had been sitting only to see it was no longer there. A look of realisation formed on her features. "You were the crow."

"What a great observation," he exclaimed as he took a step closer towards her. "Well done indeed, Eir."

"Are you done?" she rolled her eyes as she turned back to her horse. "If I wanted to be teased I would have stayed home. What are you doing here anyway?"

For some time, she did not receive a reply and thought he had left, but as she glanced back, she saw him still standing in the place she had left him, only this time, his expression was not really playful. She seemed to realise this was not a way to speak to someone that had done nothing to her, and rushed to apologise, but Loki cut her off.

"My brother is around here somewhere with his friends, I left them at some point. Is Cuyler bothering you again?"

"I told you, that's just how he is," she shook her head.

"And I told you you could always change him."

"I am not his mother, Loki," she sighed, "I tried to show him what he is doing is not funny to me, but he doesn't understand. I'm not going to keep trying."

"That's like giving up!" he complained.

"I'm tired of paying attention," she muttered, "perhaps he'll realise what he is doing at some point."

Broken Remedy |L. Odinson|Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα