the return of the random pink haired girl.

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you two are walking and its all awkward, "uh... so how are things with you?" he asked, breaking that long uncomfortable silence, resting in between you two.

"well so-so, one moment i think i cant handle crap then the next thing i know im fine" you replied.

"hm" he stopped walking and just and turned to you, his breathing got heavy, his hood is covering his face-

lmao is he gonna tell me we're lost because of that hood...?

"y/n" he raised his head, facing you, locking that eye contact with you.

you smiled uncomfortably then quickly took 10 footsteps back, "hell no"

he then laughed... and laughed.. and laughed, he fell on the ground still laughing his ass off, "yOu shOuld've sEeN At YoUr ReacTiOn..!" he laughed. (forgive my wrong grammars, idk what im doing)

".........aha im confused" you shrugged and approached him, "tell meeee" you gave him a little kick.

"ahahaha well since we're awkward potatoes i tried to do something random and i found humor in it" he stood up wiping his tears.

"where are we heading again...?" you asked.

"anime store thingy, the store is pretty big so i thought you'll enjoy" he smiled.

"eeeeeh? my mom didnt sent me money yet" you pouted, putting your hands in the pockets.

"why would your mom send you money?" he asked.

"oh, mom and dad got divorced blah blah, they left yesterday blah blah" you replied.

"i'll pay anyway"

as you heard his words your eyes sparkled, a huge smile crept on your lips, excitement filled you, "you wont bail on me right~?" you asked.

"......i guess" he replied.

"okAY!! LETS GOOO~!" you exclaimed, turning denki around and pusing his shoulders as he walked, leading the way, "okay~!" he replied


"that would be 63,039.06 yen" the cashier smiled.

".........." denki stood there, his jaw about to drop.

"i'll pay half" you looked at denki with a smile.

"........." he looked at you, getting your money and giving it to the cashier, denki shrugged and took out his wallet and payed for the other half.

as you skipped out of that store, with the paper bags in your hands, denki also held a ton of paper bags.


he looked at you with his tired expression, you turned to him and frowned, "let me carry more of those paper bags" you told him.

"its fine" he replied, smiling.

"eh? denki... i'll carry you on my back if you wont" you smirked.

"......" he starred at you and sighed, handing you over some of the paper bags, "here" he replied.

you smiled at him and took it, "y/n" he called you, you looked up to him with a concerned face, "yes?" you answered.

"can you do me a favor?" he asked.

"depends" you replied.

"please dont give up on me" he hanged his head down.

you scoffed and lightly kicked him on his leg, "hey" you called, "it depends on how you treat me" you smiled and kicked him harder, "NOW LETS GO TO THAT MAID CAFE BECAUSE IM STARVING!!" you exclaimed.

"oUcH! Y/n! WhAt The HelL?!" he yelled, responding from your kick.

"oh- oh god... are you okay?" you asked, still finding humor in this you tried your best not to laugh.

too bad you failed and burst out laughing.

he just sighed and couldn't help but smile at your bubbly personality just now, he then chuckled, "all right" he smiled.

you wiped your tears and cleared your throat, "now we're talking!" you exclaimed, marching off with the young blonde boy :>

while walking all the way to the maid cafe, you two laughed and talked about random stuff.

when you two were already near, you saw a pink haired cute maid girl there, looking for someone.

denki smiles as you two approached the cute girl, "hitoka-chan, long time no see" denki greeted her.

her eyes lit open and smiled brightly, suddenly springing up to hug the pikachu...

then she saw you, her smile faded and pulles back from the hug then confronted you, "who are you?" she asked.

"hitoka... dont be like that" denki sighed, tugging on her sleeve.

she smiled, turning to him, "okaaay~ anything for you~"

"ew... first kiyomi, second my bestfriend, now this girl....." you mumbled, rolling your eyes when they werent looking.

"mkay, table for four?" she smiled.

"eh? we're just two" denki shrugged.

"but i think your date there needs two more extra chairs because of her stuff and her fatass." she smiled, mumbling the last three words mentioned.

"oh, okay" denki smiled and gave you a gesture to let you in first.

you rolled your eyes and just kicked him in the maid cafe.

oh this is going to be a looooong day...

you thought and walked in the maid cafe.

"does this bitch wanna die?" the pink haired petite girl clenched her fist, her eyes twitching.

you heared that and turned your head to her with a creepy, smile, "try me" you replied then continued to kick denki to a seat.

(im sorry for the short and rushed [as well crappy] chapter... once again, and thank you for all the reads you wonderful creatures 💕 xoxo- im trying to update some more chapters before i get busy with school so, see you soon~!

with love,

navy \( ^^ )/♡)

My Lucky Strike [Kaminari Denki x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora