After all was said and done, Charlie had walked away from the courthouse $1.5 million richer. Only time will tell if her reputation would be restored after the apology letters had been sent. But she couldn't care less. All she could think about was how she wanted to go back to New York right away with Sebastian, get back to working at the restaurant and start planning her book.

"Are you sure?" Sebastian had asked when she brought up the suggestion to cut their trip short. They only had about three more days, but he could tell she was antsy to get back to her life, to their life in the Big Apple.

"Yes, baby, I am sure. I want to get out of here, I mean, everything's been taken care of right? The lawyers could handle the rest? I just...I miss the restaurant already and our life back home..."

Sebastian smiled at the way she referred to their place in East Village as home.

"What?" Charlie chuckled lightly, curious as to why he was smiling at her contentedly.

" just..."

"I just what?" she returned his smile.

"You called New York your home. God, you don't know how much that makes me so happy," Sebastian breathed out, drawing her close and tucking a stray lock of hair that fell out of her ponytail. "I didn't realize hearing that from you would make me feel that way."

"You are my home, and wherever we're together," Charlie responds, resting her cheek on the broad expanse of his chest. "I know we've only been together for a few months but it feels like I've been in New York for a long time. You've helped me fit right in that's why I feel so comfortable there. I can't wait to get back."

"Alright then," Sebastian said. "We gotta pack later, I'll ask Neta to book us a flight tomorrow."

"Sounds perfect," Charlie breathed out and hugged him tighter.


Home sweet home.

This was Charlie's first thought as she stepped in to the threshold of the loft she and Sebastian shared. Everything were as they were when they left them—the throw pillows all smushed to one side of the plush leather sofa, the arm chair close to the window overlooking the streets outside, the half empty glasses of water on the coffee table. She smiled, knowing she could finally leave her past behind her and really start living the life of her dreams.

"Oh crap," Sebastian said, annoyed at the mess they left. He was about to start picking up the glasses to bring to the kitchen when he stopped, noticing Charlie smiling like an angel. Stepping away from the coffee table, he comes back up to her and encloses her in his arms. She returns the gesture by resting her arms on his shoulders.

"Our place looks like a dumpster, and you are smiling like we live in a castle," Sebastian says.

Charlie toys with the hair at the back of Sebastian's head. "I'm just so...happy and relieved, you have no idea."

"I can tell," he responds. "Your eyes are smiling now too with the rest of your face. You don't know how much I've been dreaming about seeing you like this."

"Well, I am a firm believer that dreams really come true."

"I'll say."

Sebastian pulls Charlie closer to him and kisses her softly. She sighs contentedly into the kiss as he hugs her tighter to him. She pulls away and takes stock of his face while her thumbs skim his cheek. Tears began warming her eyes as his steel blue eyes look directly back at her brown pair.

"Can you imagine if we hadn't met?"

"Can't. Don't wanna. Nooope," Sebastian speaks like a little kid and then kisses her again. Charlie giggles a little but sobers up quickly.

"Me either. It was because we did that I got here. You got me here Seb," Charlie whispers. "It almost scares me what my life could have been like if you didn't read my silly fan fiction."

"Everything always happens for a reason," he says confidently. "I'm glad you were at the other end of that message board. I wouldn't change a single thing."

"Speaking of change," Sebastian continued. "I think we should get cleaned up and change into cleaner clothes. Wanna save water and time by showering with me?" He wriggles his eyebrows and Charlie begins blushing profusely.

"Oh my god, you horndog," Charlie bumps her forehead in his shoulder. She lifts her head up again and presses her cheek close to his ear and whisper something to him. Sebastian's eyes widen in awe.


"To Charlie," Will raises a flute glass in the air, and Alissa, Jamie, Ken and Sebastian do the same. The fivesome clink said glasses and take a sip of the champagne Will had brought just for the occasion of Charlie finally getting justice served to her.

Charlie had finally gotten back to work the following night after they arrived, despite Sebastian's protests that she stay in one more night with him. He didn't have anything booked for the next few days and so he was wanting Charlie to stay with him as much as possible.

"Seb, can I borrow her for a few minutes?" Alissa comes up to the pair, touching Charlie's elbow. "You've kinda been hogging her a little. To think you live with the poor woman, jeez."

Sebastian cocks an eyebrow at Will's wife. "I am NOT hogging my girlfriend. Just uh return her as soon as you can, yeah?"

Charlie shrugs which causes Alissa to laugh but proceeds to give Sebastian a kiss before walking off to the balcony. The pair of women look out into the cool New York night before Alissa breaks the silence.

"I am so glad I finally met you," Alissa says. "I can't believe those two knuckleheads kept you from me!" They both laugh before taking a sip of their drinks. Charlie regards her fondly. She was the first one she met when she came for her shift earlier that afternoon, a giddy smile across her features.

"To be honest, I was a little scared to meet you and I think Sebastian saw that," Charlie responded. "Now I just feel really stupid for letting that get in the way." She then laughs and puts an arm around Alissa's shoulder to hug her sideways.

Meanwhile, Jamie and Ken had excused themselves, leaving Sebastian and Will in the room. They were currently looking out to where their partners stood, watching them as they talked and laughed about things they could only wonder about.

"You ever wonder what women talk about among themselves?" Will asked. He walked back to the table and poured himself another shot.

"Sometimes," Sebastian responded. "But most of the time, I just don't wanna know."

Will chuckled and hung his head before returning his gaze to his longtime friend. For the first time in a long time, he can tell that someone had made him truly happy and content.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sebastian attempted to scoff at his friend, but it ended up sounding more like an awkward giggle.

"Nothing. It's just...I haven't seen you look at someone like you look at Charlie. It''s kinda nice to finally see you be with someone that doesn't make you look like you want to kill people all the time."

Sebastian nodded at Will before looking back to where Charlie stood with his friend's wife. Letting out a deep breath, he tried to find the right words to properly articulate what he was feeling at the moment. A plethora of emotions ran through his head, all of them as clear as the sky above them. When he tried to speak, Will put a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to say anything, man. I think I have a pretty good idea of what's in that head of yours."

"She's the one," Sebastian says softly, almost as if to himself. "I'm gonna marry that woman, Will. She's my endgame."

"Ohgood," Will responded, relief evident in his voice. "Thank God I don't have to tell you."

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