I was so desperate for his attention back then, I wanted everyone to know we were a thing, how good it felt to be in that stubborn ass hole’s arms, I had loved him, but what would people think if they found out?

I didn't care, as long as we were happy, it wasn't hurting anyone, and I hadn't even thought about it that the people who knew, they didn't care either, and we still loved each other, until that day, when my heart had collapsed and everything was gone.

Could anybody hear me if I made screamed, If I broke down, and these unerasable memories flowed through my head, the darkness, the hate that I feel for him filling every fiber of my being, where I can't see these colors, the colors had all disappeared, into this colorless world, so I'll continue to feel depressed today, and even tomorrow, as the memories of the past slip through my mind.

I sighed as the picture faded and I was brought back to the present, the grey sidewalk in front of me, I walked up to the same building which was a dull rusty orange, the paint chipped from the weather, I could see myself in what was left of the window, I had changed, and I could use a shave. My attention was drawn to the broken part of the window beside me, where I could see Squidwards reflection, half of his face was missing from the broken glass but I could still see his bright green eye as he stared through me.

Spongebob jumped around, pulling out his spatula faster than the speed of light, he reflected his blows, and Squidward jumped back, he was wearing a dark brown cloak, a hoodie over his head, you couldn't see his face, but you could still see his green eye, Spongebob raised his spatula, waiting for Squidward’s next move.

“Wait!” he held out his hands in surrender before he pulled off his hood to reveal that it was actually Patrick, DUN dun DUN! Spongebob’s voice got caught in his throat as he realized that his best friend was still alive!

But how! Hed watched them bury him! And he was still.. All these possible years, He had a huge scar from where Squidward had cut him down

“P, Patrick, I thought you were-” “Dead?” “How?! I, i watched them bury you! You were dead, hnn, and now you're alive?! Oh man you must be a ghost, or am i seeing things, i knew i shouldn't have drank that fucking whiskey.” He spat, shaking his head.

“How did you survive?” He asked as he extended his arms, “I'm a starfish remember, you can cut me down and I can still get back up and regenerate any part of me.” Patrick reminded him, Spongebob glanced back at his scars, “I, I guess I forgot, huh?” he said with a slight chuckle in his voice, “You shouldn't be here.” Patrick spoke up, bitterness leaked from his voice, as if he was staring at an enemy, but it didn't make since, “What do you mean? I've come home.” Spongebob said as he held out his arms to him again.

“This Was your home, but you left, right when everyone else needed you the most, you weren't there, everyone is dead, and it's all your fault.” “I didn't-” “That's right, you didn't do anything, you were supposed to be the hero of Bikini Bottom, but now, you’re the coward who ran away, and came back to save the town, well you’re a few years late, everyone is dead.”  Patrick spat as he drew his sword.

My eyes travel down his sword, I instinctively draw my back my Spatula, “Don't make me do this, not to you.” I shook my head, I had trained hard, and long the past few years I’ve been away, at the time I still didn't know what I had to live for, everyone I ever cared for was dead, but I couldn't end myself, I still had something to do, I had to train, and get stronger so that someday I could return and put the mad dog down, and so I lived on, to Kill him, and anyone who stood in my way,  and now, I'm standing in the presence of my best friend, who has the intention to kill me, I don't want to fight him, but I can't lose, and it's either, kill, or be killed.

Dull colorsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora