In your phone (Preference)

Depuis le début

If you can't get through the day, take Bailey, the fluffy goddess of all carrots and Alexs'

What he post on your Instagram without you knowing:

(he tries to pretend to be you)Caption: This is Alex

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(he tries to pretend to be you)Caption: This is Alex. Alex is my extremely sexy, strong, sexy, and handsome boyfriend. We even have a small child together by the name of Bailey. Anyways, I love Alex!

What he tweets on your twitter:

Y/U/N: Davids dead motherfuckers, lets get down and funky.


(In your phone):


Texts between you and Scotty:

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Texts between you and Scotty:

Scott: Y/n, I went parachuting and it sucked ass

You: Scotty, you always wanted to go parachuting, so why did it suck?

Scott: For starters, they made me wear a parachute.


Scott: I've heard you scream that before (Wink Face) (Also, I'm going to hell)


You: I love you

Scott: I love you too

You: I love Link

Scott: He loves you too

You: I love Todd

Scott: *assassinates Todd* No more threat in my galaxy!

You: *morphs into alien*

Scott: Loves her anyways


Scott: Eyes arw pwety

You: What are you on about

Scott: Do yu hav boifriend?

You: Yes

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