"Or quite possibly he forgot all about you."

        "I doubt that," Sage responds, still smirking. God, does that smirk ever leave her stupid face!

        "No? Cause he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life," Rebekah says before turning around and leaving.

        "God, I hate that elitist Original bitch," Sage whispers once Rebekah is gone.

        "Funny, cause the only bitch I see around here is you," I tell her, before stepping closer to Damon to whisper in his ear. "If you want to spend the day with Sage have fun, but I'm leaving." And with that I turn around and head home do see what my dear old twin Stefan has going on.


        Walking into the basement I find Stefan draining blood bags left and right.

        "Oh c'mon. slow down brother," I say but Stefan just keeps on drinking so I walk closer and pull the bag from his hand. "Damon told me that you've lost control, I just never thought it was this bad."

        "Obviously you haven't heard about my Ripper stages," Stefan mutters, avoiding my gaze.

        "No, I've heard all about the Ripper of Montreay, but I thought by now you would learn to control it. I mean-"

        "How do you do it?" Stefan asks out of nowhere. His eyes wide as he stares at me.

        "How do I do what?" I furrow my brows, taking in his wild stance.

        "How do you control the hunger? I've maybe seen you drink like one blood bag since got you here. How do you do it?" Stefan asks again. I gulp, looking down before glancing back up at my brother, his eyes anxious for the answer.

        "I just do. Anyways, this is about you, not me."

        Stefan groans loudly, "C'mon Lily, you want to help me right?" I nod my head hesitantly, cautious of the wild look in his eye. "Then tell me how you control your hunger? We're twins, so who knows? Maybe if you do it a certain way I could too and-"

        I cut him off, taking in the implication behind his words, "Stefan, do you think I'm a ripper?" I watch him in shock.

        Stefan stops his panicked state, meeting my gaze. "Well, we're twins. And I just figure that this must run in the family somehow, that I can't be the only one who can't control their blood lust. And we're twins..." he trails off at the look on my face.

        "Stef, I'm sorry to tell you but I'm not a ripper. I can control my hunger just fine, even when I am humanity-less. And there is no trick, you just...you just learn," I tell him, my voice low and gentle with his fragile state. "I'm sorry," I repeat. I reach out to place a hand on his shoulder but he pushes me away.

        "But wait! Then why haven't I've seen you drink since you've gotten here? Huh? You say there's no trick but yet it's like your starving yourself."

        "I'm not, I do drink blood, it's just...complicated," I mutter, avoiding his gaze. I can't tell him the truth.

        "More secrets I see. God, how many secrets do you have," He yells. "First your death, then the Originals, and now how you control your hunger. Your my twin, my sister, you used to tell me everything but now it's like everyday I learn something new about you. You and your unlimited supply of secrets."

        "Hey!" I get defensive. "You lost the privilege of knowing things about my life years ago. As soon as Katherine came along you threw me to the side of the road and completely forgot about me, so you have no right to be angry! And yes were twins and I used to think that meant something but not anymore! What brother doesn't even care enough to check up on their little sister? For all you know I could've really been dead-"

Secrets of a Salvatore SisterWhere stories live. Discover now