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Matt and Mat were actually having a nice chat talking to eachother how beautiful they and eachother were.

"Hey you have a lot of beautiful photographs of yourself!" Mat said.

"Yeah I take pride in my personal beauty." Matt replied.

"I can see why." Mat smiled.

That's when Edd walked in, "Hey Matt  it's time for you to make di...nner...." Edd saw two Matts. "Uhm... uh..."

Matt smiled and said, "Edd this is Mat!"

Mat smiled and waved. "Hey."

Edd blinked and said, "You... but... how?"

Matt smiled, "He only looks like me Edd let's not jump to conclusions."

Edd blinked and walked away in awe.

Matt smiled at Mat and grabbed his hand, "I'll show you how I cook dinner." Matt said.

Mat blushed and nodded going with Matt.

Matt basically showed off cooking to Mat who was impressed... even though he can do the exact same thing.

"It tastes really good but I bet Edd and Tom will eat it all... I'll just make more if you don't get any." Matt said.

"Ok that sounds absolutely perfect!" Mat said.

"Okay!" Matt replied.

Tom and Edd couldn't stop looking at Matt and Mat they were really weirded out on how much they look alike.

"Sooo... which one is our Matt?" Tom asked.

"Me." Matt said waving.

"And.... you're not a clone?" Tom asked.

"I... don't think I'm a clone." Mat said.

"Okay..." Edd blinked and shrugged.

That's when Tom and Edd finished their dinner and went to watch a movie.

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