At one point.

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My name is sierra.
I am fifteen years old.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy,
Five years ago.
At one point i remember,
Not fearing the light.
But light is what caused
The darkness of fright.

My name could've been wednesday.
Im still fifteen years old.
My parents were divorced,
Eight years ago..
At one point i remember,
A christmas with them both.
But a split family,
Is better than no home.

My name should be Elise,
Of course you know my age.
Ive just lost my grandpa,
And i wish he would have stayed.
So he could tell me about jesus.
And how his middle name is H.

My name is sierra,
And i am fifteen years old
My father is no longer my father,
And my mother is the same,
At one point i remember,
A happy family.
But happy is not happy,
When they're all pretending.

At one point i was happy.
I had the world.
Now i have two best friends,
And one is princess satan,Of course
ive got my lover,
But he doesn't always help.
Nobody can fix the brokenness
Of a heart that lost a dad.

And no he did not pass.
Or never got to know.
He did not leave,
Just as i was born.
He spent fifteen years,
Working on my heart.
Working on breaking me.
Pulling me apart.

Hi, im sierra.
I am fifteen years old.
I am now a pile of brokenness
Swimming in my broken world.
And at one point i remember,
A life better than this.
Maybe thats why i cry at night.
Because i know there is more.

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