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Little tears have fallen on my shoulder.
And little arms around my waist.
Little girls with nothing to believe in,
Because the world gave them a little taste.
Little cries heard at night.
From the little boy with no life.
Hoping his sister can save his little fright.
And save her from the kitchen knife.
Little jokes have been made.
About the little things she cant control.
Thinking little of her eyes of jade,
And little heart of gold.
Little do they know that i am here.
With my little shield.
Their bullies are little when they aren't near.
Is that a little weird?
I am not a little girl,
Nor am I grown.
But a little piece of advice father,
I am protective over the little ones.

Daddy crushed my only dreamМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя