20. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off

Start from the beginning

"Very impressive. Excuse me, may we disturb you for a short interview? " a reporter from the German TV crew came over.

"For sure. That's what we're here for, "he replied politely, quite natural with a smile on his lips. Would they still want an interview, if they knew the truth, he wondered as he followed the man to his team. Waited, while they wired him.

Silently he held the skipping ropes out to his sports teacher. The lesson was over and he had been sentenced to clean-up.

"Alright with you, boy? You were absent-minded the whole week ... Difficulties in the club? Is it too much? Sports and school together? ", His sports teacher asked as he took the ropes from his hands and hung them over the hook in the equipment room.

"No, everything is fine", he lied flatly and took the net with the balls.

"Then ... trouble with the girls? Did you argue about that, San and you? "His teacher continued to urge and Daniel had the unpleasant feeling of being fully screened.

"We didn't argue, understood? Everything is alright. Fine. Can I go now? "He fidgeted impatiently, snaping at a teacher for the first time in his life. How should one argue when one has ceased to exist?

"So, we could start," the sound engineer tapped him on the back and brought him back from his past.

Next to him he heard Alex, who was currently at the Austrian station's disposal. "Yes, um, a funny guy. He is very positive. Is always ... always with a smile on his face, Daniel is very interested in many things. He could be happy about the simple things in life. "

Yes, because he had learned to lower his claims. What was normal for others was almost a privilege in his life, he thought and had almost laughed out loud.

"Can we start?" The cameraman leaned out from behind his camera, counting down the countdown with his fingers. Three. Two. One.

"Daniel, your success has been celebrated frenetically in your home country. More than half of the Norwegian population watched your victory in Garmisch on television, your former team-mate Johan Remen Evensen, who now works as a TV sports expert at NRK, had even forced himself into a superhero costume as you were jumping. How does that feel? ", The reporter stared questioningly at him.

"Yes, I love the attention. That's the reward for good ski jumping. Hopefully that will stay the whole winter, "Daniel laughed automatically into the camera. It cost him a lot of strength, the role of the successful high flyer.

"We came across an interesting phenomenon in our research: montages, which mainly created your female fans of you and see you as the next model of Armani or Versace. Would that really be something for you? ", His interviewee asked interested.

"Yes, I actually did a photo shoot in the summer, that was really funny. Maybe I'll do more after my career. Let's see, "he said, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Your female fans might be happy to hear that. What do you say that - if one can believe the newspapers - half of all spectators from Norway were young women? "The reporter wanted to know laughing and winked at him amused.

That they were wasting all their time. The funny, interested, positive Daniel didn't exist, that was just a role, because the real Daniel nobody wanted to see. "Of course I'm flattered and it's good for the sport when young people are interested in it," he finally replied. Amused.

"Of course. We wish you all the best for the tournament and thank you for your time, "the reporter finished the interview.

Relieved Daniel turned away and grabbed a basketball. He would just throw a few more baskets until the time was finally over. With the ball in his hand he sprinted away.

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