26th August

71 6 5

Hi, sorry i missed 25t

I RLY wanna tail and i think i know how to get away with getting one without telling them, soooo this is my plan

Phase 1: ask parents to go to the zoo, as i saw a tiger tail sold there (and i have a feeling i might be a tiger therian too i just don't wanna say anything till I'm certain). This phase has been sucsesfull, just paws/hooves crossed (ik thats rly cringy) that it don't rain

Phase 2: REMEMBER MONEY, go to zoo and casually walk through the gift shop where the entrance is, just to check if the tail is still there

Phase 3: look around near the sealions but to see if the tails are in THAT gift shop incase they have gone, in the meanwhile look at the tigers and sealions.

Phase 4: pretend to spot tail and hint that i want it. For example 'hey look at this tail, it looks pretty cool!'

Phase 5: if they get the hints and say i don't need it, i say that its my own money and i can choose what to spend it on but first say that its for my fursuit and my fursuit has a tail of a different animal (it hasnt) if they dont get the hints, strait up ask to buy it
If all goes wrong/if the tails not in stock
then i will have to go to esty and find a wolf tail, hopefully faux fur, i will say about the fursuit and if that doesnt work say that im into taxidermy but thats pretty embarrassing as my parents might think im weird. But all worth it right :3

Sorry this was so cringy

heres your FREE coffin if you already died of cringyness

Ok so i just done some meditating and i was in a forest

Ok so i just done some meditating and i was in a forest

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Like this ^.

I was my black/greyish wolf and i was trotting around, then a red fox came ouf of nowhere and led me to lots more wolves and foxes, and it started to talk saying that it will guide me to more wolvesl and foxes. 

I think it might be a spirit guide!
But idk tho it might be my imagination

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