Imagine Crane fussing over you

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Imagine requested by nyxxbx; An imagine where Crane is just fussing over the reader when she gets hurt.


"Alright, I've got the cheese, the milk, chocolate, dog food..." you said, reading your shopping list over once again. You didn't live close to the store so you didn't want to forget something vital only for you to go back again. That would be the second time today. And that was one time too many.

"Now, where is the lettuce? It should be somewhere around-"

"Oh! And what is this wonderful new invention? Does one put this o-"



You land on the ground after bumping into someone. The shopping basket in your hand is send flying into the air. As in some movie fantasy editing, your groceries fly in the air in slow-motion before they fall down and rain down on top of you.

Most of the stuff is light and only hurts because it comes from high above. The jar of pickles and the extra large can of dog food on the other hand... 

You cry out in pain as they land on your ankle, one after the other.

The jar of pickles breaks into a thousand pieces of tiny glass shards. Stinky pickle juice runs over the tile covered floor. Tears sting your eyes.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." Your heart beat starts racing when you see a small piece of class sticking out of your skin. "I'm going to faint" you say more to yourself than to anyone else. 

"My sincere apologies, miss. I am afraid I didn't look at my surroundings. The items in this store are simply baffling to me." 

You look up to find a man knelt down on the ground in front of you. He seems sincere in his apology. Still, you want to kill him. That is, before his cold hand finds your foot. 

"I hope you don't mind me inspecting your wound." He already bends over to have a closer look without waiting on your answer. "That looks rather hurtful. And to think that I caused this. Again, my sincerest apologies for these most unfortunate turn of events."

"I think that if we take out, I'll be fine to walk again" you said.

The man looks up for a second before returning his attention to your wound. "That simply won't do. It is me who caused this. I'll make sure you get the proper help. Besides, this wound could be fatal. We must act fast."

"Excuse me?"

"You are at risk of attracting tetanus. Also, I wouldn't like to see you faint from blood loss."

Your skin started tingling, a dizzy sensation rushing through you. "W-what did you just say?"

A shop clerk rushed over with his hands full of cleaning devices.

"Ah, my good man!" the man exclaims. He gets up off the floor, puts his hands behind his back and looks at the clerk with a very serious expression. "I trust that you are more than capable of cleaning up the mess that I've created."

He turns to look at you. "I will fulfill my duty to his young woman to take her to the nearest doctor. She must be seen to as soon as possible!"

The clerk looks at you with an open mouth, unsure of what to say. You aren't in a better state.

The man picks you up before you have processed everything that he just said, and he carries you out the store bridal-style. 

"I-I can walk" you try to protest.

"Most certainly not! We need to find a doctor that will look after you as soon as possible. There is no time to be lost in situations like this." The man looks from left to right, and back to left before crossing the street.

That is the first time you see someone actually doing that.

"These 'cars' of yours are a lot faster than a good old horse and wagon in the time of old."

You are too busy concentrating on your bleeding ankle to really register what he's saying. "Back in the store you said there was a chance I would attract tetanus. Do you really believe that? Do you think I'm going to die?"

The man looked at you. "I won't lie to you, there is a chance you might." Upon noticing your distressed look, he continues: "But don't worry miss. I am looking after you. I will get you the help you need. We will get you healthy again."

It takes another fifteen minutes of him running around with you in his arms, before someone directs him to the exact location of the nearest general practitioner. 

He rushes in through the door, light shining behind him as he stands in the doorway. "This woman needs help! She is dying and I persist that you drop everything that you're doing to help her!"

Other patients shake their heads and return to their smartphones. 

The guy' mouth drops and he stares around the room in bewilderement. 

Before he can say anything, the receptionist points at a chair. "Take a seat over there sir. The doctor will be with you when he is done seeing the patient that is in his room right now."

Instead he walks up to the desk, still holding you in his arms. "I don't think you understand the severity of this injury."

"Sir, in all honesty, I don't think you understand how this sort of thing works."

"You couldn't more right madam! I don't see how allowing someone to die from tetanus while you are fully capable of helping out, works. The system of your health care truly baffles me! We fought-"

"Please, sir, take a seat. Or I will have to ask you to leave this vicinity."

He was about to protest but thought it to be better to listen. Finally he sat you down on a chair. "How are you feeling? You look a lot paler than when we were back in the store. Would you like some water? How many fingers am I holding up? Can you count from back from ten to zero for me?"

All the questions made you feel dizzy. "Uh, I don't know. What? That might be the case. Yeah, water?" You shook your head to clear your mind. "Who are you by the way?"

"We are not close to the road, no. Your speech troubles me miss, I have to be frank. Which is a strange expression because it was actually Peter who would always tell the truth. His brother Frank was the one whom you couldn't trust."


"What I meant to say; my name is Crane, Ichabod Crane, at your service."

You nodded. "Ichabod, thank you so much for taking me to the GP. I think I can handle it from here on out."

He shook his head. You had been afraid of that. "I can not and will not let you sit here alone. Not after what I've caused. It is my duty to look after you and your ankle."

And that is how you were stuck at the GP for another hour. With a guy you didn't know. He was quite comforting, at times. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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