Imagine Crane watching the Kardashians

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Crane; Lieutenant, I want to inform you that I drank the last mug of milk from your cooling device. Since I don't have the funds, I find myself unable to buy you a new jug of milk.

Abbie; I have already told you that I completely understand Crane. After all, you lost your job over 200 years ago. I knew what I was getting into when I asked you to move in with me. I'll get some milk on my way home tonight.

Crane; I didn't, as you so crudely put it, 'lost' my job. My life was cut short by an axe, may I remind you, axe picture.

Abbie; Crane, as I already told you, it is called an emoji. Not a picture. And you have to click on the emoji to add it to your text.

Crane; I am going to watch my show now.

Abbie; Haha, you do that Crane. I'll be back around dinner time tonight. Don't break anything!

Crane put his phone down. He wasn't sure why the lieutenant assumed that he was going to break something again. That plate had been an accident. It wasn't his fault that it was still wet from the cleaning device she used.

If he remembered correctly, it was called a 'dishwasher'.

Why she still needed it was really beyond him. He stayed at home most of the time, and he was perfectly capable of doing the dishes himself.

In fact, he had spend the whole morning cleaning the lieutenant' house. He wanted to do something back because she had so kindly taking him in after his split from Katrina.

"Let's see what is on the TV" Crane muttered to himself.

He was getting a grip on this modern world. One of his favorite past times was watching TV shows. It often left him puzzled but he felt as if the shows were helping him to understand the modern man better.

He flicked through the channels. There was nothing on that he normally watched.

Not that it really mattered because he liked to check out new shows every now and then anyway.

Soon there was something that caught his attention. Crane put the TV remote down. He wasn't sure what he was looking at but it was quite intruiging. And quite scandulous at the same time. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be looking at it but he was divorced now. And he was home alone.

"Welcome back to Keeping up with the Kardashians!"

Crane watched a couple of episodes in a row in amazement and horror. He was quite sure that, even though this was a different age, not all woman behaved the way this family was behaving.

What was even going on?

There was a shot of the mother of the Kardashians who was holding a pig in a blanket. She had bought it for her daughter. When she called her over, her first response was; Oh my God, is that a chicken?!

He wasn't sure why she thought the pig was a chicken but he kept watching.

Also, there was this scene;

I want a flat ass now.

You guys lose your butts, we may all lose our money.

Crane' eyebrows shot up. What was that man talking about? Yes, the woman had a rather large but, not that he had been looking though... But why would they loose money if the woman had a flat butt?

He was getting more confused by the second.

There was this one woman who just kept crying. Crane wasn't sure why. And at this point he had to admit that he didn't understand the whole concept of the show.

After the sixth episode ended, he reached for his phone and texted Abbie.

Crane; Lieutenant, I have a question regarding a show on the television.

Crane; It is called Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Crane; First of all: Why do we have to keep up with them?

Crane; Second, the young ladies seem to be emotionally unstable at times. Why do people watch them without offering help or support? It seems to me as if they are in need of some sort of help.

Abbie; Crane... just go to another channel and watch something else.

Crane; I am sensing that this is a topic that you don't want to discuss. Yet I do find that I would like some answers. Why are they famous? Have they done something important that they don't show on the television?

Abbie; They are famous for having big behinds. Seriously Crane, watch something else. Anything else really.

Crane; Alright, if you are not going to provide me with that answers I seek, then I shall turn to my last option.

Abbie; The internet?

Crane; The internet.

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