Chapter 2: A Day In The Life Of Mr. Nobody

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                                                              chapter 2: a day in the life of mr. nobody


And I realized it.

I had just walked into the three walking piles of unicorn shit of HartLake High School who somehow managed to be popular, A.K.A Riley Park, Zoe Wesley, and Paulina Maldonado. Not throwing shade, I'm not the tea-brewing type, but seriously, they look like a unicorn shat them out after a big, heavy meal.

I felt suffocated as Riley's blue-grey eyes bored into mine. I could tell she was judging me, on a whole other level. And I couldn't blame her. I had nothing in common with her, my style, my demeanor, nothing. When day meets night, they don't immediately become friends from the get-go, maybe not at all.

"No it's fine, we're sorry." Riley quickly said. I nodded and rushed past them to my usual seat in the back, far away on my own little island full of peace, quiet, and lots of thoughts, which also included ignoring the teacher. I watched as the two walked to the front and sat down, continuing their conversation that was interrupted by typical me who always looked down with my hoody over my head, which was prone to cause unwanted stuff like that. After a hot minute, I grabbed my backpack from around my shoulder and dug through it until I found my doodling notebook which helped me countless times act like I was actually busy in class. I slid it on my desk, zipping up my grey backpack. When I looked up, I surprisingly saw Riley turned over in her seat looking at me. Her eyes immediately flicked away and she turned away. What was that about?

I shrugged it off, opening my notebook and turning to my last doodle, a lion-deer hybrid. I grabbed a pencil from my pocket as our pretty OK English teacher, Mister Wentworth, walked into the class, a few binders and books clutched against his chest. I wanted to laugh in his face every time I saw him. He just had that 'I'm-an-awkward-anxious-middle-schooler' look, even if he was a nearly 30 year old man.

"Hello class, did everyone do the online quiz that I requested?" The teacher asked, looking around the classroom. Wow, how naive of him.

"Mhm! Yup! Yes!"

I could easily see through the facade nearly every student put on, surprisingly he couldn't. I snickered just a bit but pressed my lips together to prevent myself from further laughing.

"Ok, everyone have their Percy Jackson book? We're gonna be reading the next chapter and reviewing, discussing it." Mister Wentworth said, setting down his pile of books and picking up a book from the top pile. "Turn to where we last were please."

I couldn't quite see or hear Zoe, but I saw she turned to Riley and whispered something in her ear, causing Riley to turn around and look at me. When she saw I saw could see her she still didn't turn around. Instead, her lips curled in a smile but she quickly turned around, back to Zoe. I really hope those lil shits aren't exchanging gossip. Do they even have dirt on me?

* * *

"Alright class read chapter 6 for homework!" Mister Wentworth said, even though nobody was really listening and instead rushing out into the hallway for dismissal.

I walked along down the hallway, passing my empty locker, and almost near the exit until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around quickly, what if it's my bully? What if it's one of my teachers? What if it's the principal? Luckily to my relief it was just Zoe.

"Hey! I have a question for you," Zoe began.


"Care to join me and a couple friends for lunch tomorrow?" Zoe said with a bright smile on her face. How could I say no to that? No matter how much I didn't want to because I'm extremely anti-social, I didn't wanna make her bright smile into a frown, even though I could say no.

"Sure." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"Ok! Cya tomorrow!" Zoe said before turning around and rushing towards Riley and Paulina.

I guess I just did that.

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