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Harry woke up in a cold sweat; a pale, extended hand, corridors, darkness, these haunting images nagged at his consciousness. He looked to see Ron asleep, the time being two in the morning. Abandoning the hope of a dreamless sleep he quietly walked down the grand stairs of 12, Grimmauld Place into the grim kitchen to find Sirius and Remus quietly conversing. Harry leaned against the door to listen once he heard his fathers name.

"James would probably insist on going to Hogwarts with him at this rate" Remus laughed, though not entirely humorous, placing his cup down.

"The ministry don't believe he's back? Are they daft?" Sirius's tone was laced with the anger and frustration Harry had felt during his hearing. It was chilling. He felt like a noose was around his neck, not strangling him, but any wrong move and he would be gasping for air. He was used to having all eyes on him, the boy who lived, infamous Harry Potter; but this time it was different. Everything was such a blur, he felt like he was having an out of body experience. His nerves were throwing a rave and inviting anxiety and fear to make a mess of things, his anger kept rising when he was continuously interrupted. When Dumbledore showed up Harry wanted to scream at him and hug him. He was so confused, so lost, so angry. Just so angry. Anger had been eating at him for so long he forgot what feeling calm was like. Dumbledore confused him. He wanted to slap him. But he needed his comfort and guidance.

Remus's gentle voice broke Harry's train of thought. "People have changed Padfoot, times have changed, they're not going to want to believe the word of a young boy" Remus sighed, placing his hand over Sirius's.

"Yeah, the word of a boy who has faced the no-nose bastard before, who wouldn't lie about such a thing, none of this makes sense!" Harry's godfather got up, exasperated. "And now he- he's leaving, he's actually leaving and of course I couldn't be happier that he's not kicked out but, I want to spend more time with him Moony..." Sirius trailed off, Remus got up and embraced him. Looking at his godfather and Uncle Remus in a light, gentle embrace in the cold, gloomy setting of Grimmauld Place's kitchen made Harry feel odd. He felt some type of warmth radiating from them, penetrating through the iciness. But without force, there was no agency, it wasn't harsh.

Remus spotted Harry over Sirius's shoulder. "Come here boy, give us a hug", Harry walked over to join the hug, letting a tear fall because he didn't want to leave them, but who knows what else Harry wanted to cry over.

Sirius crouched down, "Harry, don't let me ruin you going back to Hogwarts, we'll see each other again, I'll just miss you" he said before Harry could get a word in. Harry nodded, exhausted from his lack of sleep, nervous for the year ahead. "I'll miss you too." It was true. Why couldn't he just move in with Sirius? It didn't make sense, continuing to live with the Dursley's despite now having the opportunity to actually move in with his godfather. Harry's anger at Dumbledore started to bubble up again.

He pulled away, eyeing his godfather whose eyes were etched with worry but trying to mask themselves with a smile. Uncle Lupin was looking at Sirius with a mixture of pity and love. "I should try to sleep" Harry said in a hushed tone and exited.


Chatter, laughter, noise. The Hogwarts express was lively with students catching up and reminiscing summer. Prefects were desperately trying to contain the chaos, nervous and timid lower years stayed clear of older years, especially the Slytherins. Luna Lovegood's eyes were fixated on the view outside of the window as she was enthusiastically talking about The Quibbler before the compartment door opened to reveal Draco Malfoy, along with Crabbe and Goyle. Harry's patience was string thin and the last thing he needed was Malfoy taunting him. He let this be known. "Shove off Malfoy."

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