He pointed to the placement on the hologram, and it zoomed in to show the oscillator. Hexagonal in shape and wide in diameter, it protruded from the holographic surface of the planet, like the perfect target.

"If we can destroy that oscillator, it might destabilise the core and cripple the weapon," Statura said.

"Maybe the whole planet," Nova agreed.

"We'll go in there, we'll hit that oscillator with everything we've got," Poe said, looking around to his fellow pilots – all of them in agreement.

"They have defensive shields that our ships cannot penetrate," Ackbar said.

"We disable the shields," Han cut in instantly, turning to Finn. "Kid, you worked there, what d'you got?"

Finn did not miss a beat. "I can do it."

Han smirked. "I like this guy."

"I can disable the shields. But I have to be there on the planet."

"We'll get you there."

"Han, how?" Leia asked.

"If I told you, you wouldn't like it," he admitted, getting an unsurprised look from her in response.

"So, we disable the shields, take out the oscillator and we blow up their big gun," Poe said. He made it sound so easy – like it was just another mission with almost certain success.

His hope and energy had certainly survived the First Order.

Chewie growled an affirmation.

"Alright. Let's go!"

The crowd dispersed.


Nova and Jess dashed across the tarmac, gloves and helmets in hand. Despite the circumstances, Nova had been raring to get back into a more familiar cockpit.

"We had Beren get one of our spares up and running for you," Jess explained. "All kinks ironed out."

On cue, the mechanic in question appeared from behind the ship, wrench in hand. She was a young girl – younger than Nova at least. Dark hair pulled back into a ponytail to show darker eyes.

"She's ready to fly, Captain," she beamed. "Just starting pre-flight checks now."

"Beren, you're a star," Nova said. She climbed the ladder, a rush coming over her as she was able to drop her gloves and helmet into her seat. While piloting the Millennium Falcon had been fun, piloting smaller, more agile ships was her preference. And being certain all her systems were working perfectly was a plus.

She found her gaze wandering to where the Falcon sat at the other end of the tarmac, the three-man crew busying themselves with preparations. She considered them a moment from her vantage point, then slid back down to the ground, landing with a soft thud.

She approached at a purposeful jog, finding her parents together, locked in a tight and silent embrace. She slowed, stopping at a respectful distance so as not to disturb the precious peace.

Han noticed her first, giving her a kind smile. He stayed back as Leia pulled away from him, moving to talk to their daughter, as both mother and General.

"You ready?"

Nova managed a smile. "Yeah. Go in there, blow the oscillator, home before the moons rise."

Leia placed a firm hand on her shoulder – a gesture that seemed to physically pull down the young woman's walls in only the way a mother could. To gently reveal the truth.

"Mom, I'll be okay," she said, persisting in her façade of confidence and certainty. "But if I don't make it back –"

"Don't say that –"

"No, but if I don't," she continued. "I love you, Mom. And I'm sorry I failed."

Leia sighed, a heavy but soft sound as she looked up at her daughter. "You didn't fail. Everyone makes mistakes. What's important is you don't make the same one twice, and that you don't let them define you."

Nova nodded, swallowing the lump forming in her throat. Her boots – already scuffed from wear – idly kicked at the ground.

Leia looked at her with only pride and love. Then, she pulled her in for a hug, arms looping around her shoulders to carefully force Nova to lean down – she had inherited her height from her father, leaving her standing taller than average, and taller than her mother.

The embrace broken; she gave her a respectful nod – now her leader. "Captain."

"General," Nova returned with a two fingered salute.

Leia departed with a smile, heading back to the command centre.

Han stepped in to take her place. A proud smile adorned his face, reaching up to his fading brown eyes. He was uncertain when he opened his arms to her, a feeling that dissipated when she closed the space between them, resting her head against his shoulder.

"Be careful," she murmured.

"Yes, Captain," he said. "You be careful too."

"I will."

He planted a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you, kid. And I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

"You're here now," she said.

"But you don't need me now, do you?"

She paused, considering her words. Letting the next of her scars heal. "I'm not opposed to you being here."

Han smiled. "I can work with that. Oh, and one more thing."

He looked passed her, nodding in the direction of a black and orange marked X-Wing.

"That pilot of yours – Dameron – he's a good guy."

"I know."

"Figure out whatever it is you two've got going on. It doesn't have to be complicated."

"We're at war, there's nothing but complicated," she rebuked.

"This doesn't have to be," he repeated. "Just – think about it."

"Okay," she conceded. All she had to do was think, not do. She was not yet ready to act in that area. Just thinking about thinking about it made her feel strange.

"Okay," he sighed, turning to head back towards the Falcon. "Now, you'd better get to your ship. We've got a super weapon to destroy."

Nova hesitated; the word almost having to tear itself from her throat. "Dad –"

Han paused, looking back to her. "Hm?"

"I love you too."

He smiled softly, and the pair parted ways for their mission.

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