chapter 1 The Run

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i couldn't wait to go out with Ryan lochte he was so down to earth she thought as she walked down the hall. Just then she bumped into Ryan he really was a sweet guy but that really hurt. he said sorry and in attempt to be funny I said no running in the pool we both giggled even though that was terrible. I just got so nervous around him. after an awkard silence he said you might want to move out of the way soon wa are on our daily run so unless you want to get run over by at least 50 people and thats just the USA. So um hey you want to run with me your kindof late though so lets just say to coach you werent feeling that well but then decide to run with us. Coach loves a dedicated swimmer. We both laughed. Then we started to run which i really didnt like i wasnt a good runner but Ryan made it shorter by just pionting out random thngs making her laugh. Once we got back to the pool ryan somehow got everone in the lane to go to a different one but then coach said there were to many people and we had to share a lane with others i felt like a little kid again getting scolded for not sharing. I looked over at Ryan and he looked sad. he really must care about me i thought

*****2 days later*****

it was early saturday morning well if you call 12 o clock early i was really happy to be going on a date with Ryan Locthe I had to find something to were Ryan said it wasnt going to be fancy just a walk in the olympic village after some lunch we really didnt get to see the olympic village because it was litterally eating, sleeping, swimming but today she was going to have fun. I had about 2 more hours till Ryan was going to pick her up .I finally found something to were it was a little cute sun dress that was aqua and had pink flowers all over it. I showered for like an hour then came out and ate alittle so I didnt look like a pig on my date with him. about 30 min. later Ryan showed up. he was wearing jeans some really cool shoes and his USA swimming top. I couldnt helped but ask where he got his shoes from he said he made them himself.

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