Chapter One: Safe?

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Noise. That's all I can hear. Noise. The constant whipping of the helicopter blades, Newt's gasping for air, Minho slowly rocking himself, Thomas's high pitched slow screeching in shock. And me. The voices in my head. Constant, evil, hurtful comments, thrown at me. It should have been you who died, not Chuck. Newt doesn't love you. All the gladers hate you. I push the thoughts aside, knowing, that they're not true. I think they're not true. I think. I scoot closer to Thomas, who stops screeching quietly for a moment, then we both scoot to Minho, and join him in rocking ourselves. Back and forth, back and forth. The movement is soothing, calming, even. Soon, the copter lands, and we're told to get out. I cautiously look out, seeing industrial looking klunk everywhere. I get out, carefully. I immediately look around, looking for potential threats. The girls get out after the boys, Aris getting out last, almost tripping on the helicopter steps. I look over my shoulder, turn around, and say, "I think, we're, safe?"

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