Chapter 1

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Alone. Always alone. Parents died. Adoptive parents abusive. School kids bullies. Teachers hate. Nothing will ever be good. I have a shit life. Do I care? Obviously. Do I make people think I care? No.

People have walls. An emotional wall. My wall is shattered it has been beaten, bruised, broken. And I'm basically covering it with a cardboard cut out. Put on a front and everything's good.

Now when I was 4 my parents died in a car crash. It was classed as accidental, I know for a fact it wasn't. I saw the car parked at the side of the roads as we were passing it the pedal was slammed down at full force. But of course as I learned it was a lawyer who hated my parents banking business, jealously kills friends and lives as I found out. He payed off the coroner and that was that.

First life lesson- never trust anyone

My names is Isabella Darling. Just like my favourite book character. Wendy Darling. I'm 14 years old and... Yes I love Peter Pan. Call me childish and I'll slap you to neverland. I've read it too many times to count! But that's the one of the only memories I have of my parents that and a locket with a family photo on, the treasure of my life.

With a life like mine I've formed unhealthy coping mechanisms. It's not good but it's the only way I can feel I release the hurt and anger at my life. Taking it out on myself is more comforting than other ppl taking it out on me, for example my parents. It may not make sense to other but it makes sense in my mind.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" My 'mother' screamed at me yanking my hair backwards leaving me on the floor vulnerable. "HOW DARE YOU RUN FROM ME!" She seethed the stench of alcohol so strong I could tell you the exact brand she was drinking with my so called 'father' well adoptive parents. They're just in it for the funds. I sleep on a mattress laid out on the floor that is littered in blood stains from my beatings and rats urine.

"PUNCH HER HARDER!" My mother screeched as my adoptive father made even more bruises and cuts. With one last stamp on my ankle he was done.

It was school holidays and I intend on spending as little time as possible in the shack of a home.

I limped to the coffee shop with a bag in hand. I take a rucksack with all my possessions in, just in-case I need to run from my parents. I'm ready. There's not a lot, a blanket, toiletries like shampoo, conditioner etc. my book, one extra pair of clothes, and, my blades.

I sat down on a two seater table and pulled of my book. The worker felt sorry for me so I got a free coffee. As I was reading how Wendy flew above the clouds with Peter I felt I presence in front of me.

There sat was a maybe 20 year old man in front of me staring at me intensely. I nearly fell off my chair in shock. He just chuckled "hey I'm not going to hurt you. You know me. I'm Peter"
"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person I don't know any Peters" I replied very awkwardly. "Sorry I have to go now" I added becoming more and more nervous. As I quickly grabbed my bag and started to walk I heard him call "I'll be right here when you figure it out Darling" I turned. How did he know my last name?? Oh wait isn't that used as a endearment type thing. Still weird I thought as I sat on a bench and read how Peter took Wendy to the lost boys.

Wait. No that's absolutely out of the picture. It's not even possible. Is it? I ran back, well, limped, in to the small shop my big black combat boots stomping as I limp-ran, to the table where he was sat fiddling with his nail looking smug. "Figured it out Darling?" He questioned. "You're Peter Pan. That's the only explanation. But in the books you're a child. You're not an adult" I said bewildered. "Yes sweetheart I am, and not everything is true in books and movies, I stay as 20 year old man, now close your eyes" 20 he's 20!!

I'm used to not trusting things but a what I thought fictional character? There's something new. "Didn't I say to shut your eyes Darling" Peter said with a smirk. "Oh um yeah" I whispered while squeezing my eyes shut. I felt my feet leave from the brick walkway I suddenly grabbed onto Peter while he just chuckled.

I'm 14 years old why am I hanging on to a guy I've never met before. But I'm too scared to let go.

After about 15 minuets my feet landed on soft ground. I still didn't open my eyes. "You can open your eyes now sweetheart" these pet names are annoying me so much. I opened my eyes to see woodland, I was stood on soft grassy grounds. "Let's go Darling" we started walking deeper into the woods.

After an hour of walking I was getting tired and it was so hot here!! "Peter I want to stop" I whined. "Nope, no time princess". "I'm 14 can you stop with the toddler names seriously" this is so stupid and my legs are hurting, not to mention my ankle is on the verge of having to be amputated "hey don't get attitude with me, you'll regret it and don't whine if you don't wanna be thought of as a baby don't whine like one" jerk. I stomped my foot and stopped. "Hey I said come on" his sudden tone change made me move.

After another half an hour I was flagging. Bad. "Peter I'm done" I whined sitting down. "Come here" I shuffled over to him. Suddenly he put a cloth over mouth, i squirmed and wriggled. But the urge to breathe became to much and took a big deep breath and suddenly I felt light headed. And black.

3 hours later

I groaned and rolled over. Well tried. I hit something. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a cage. A CAGE! Made of bamboo?! I wonder if I can kick myself free. But first I screamed. "WHY AM I IN A CAGE!" I screeched. I heard a boy laughing. This is uncomfortable and I'm getting cranky with the heat.

"Are you just gonna fucking sit there and laugh at me" that shut him up

"Little girl unless you want to be punished I wouldn't use such language" who does this guy think he is!

I started kicking the bamboo cage bars with my one healthy leg. I refuse to sit in the stupid little cage and suck up to these people.

"HEY STOP IT" ooh this guy can shout. But he kinda looked guilty now he's shouted at me.

"NO IM NOT SITTING HERE LIKE A FUCKING LEMON ANNOYED AND STIFF!" I'm so close to tears I'm so angry. But no we're keeping it together.

"HEY WHAT'S GOING ON! Phillip you're meant to be looking after her." Peters voice was stern and loud. I scooted to the far corner of the cage not liking how this was looking. Phillip, I guess that's his name, seem a couple years younger than Peter, maybe 16 or 17.

"I don't know she woke up and started using foul language and kicking the bars" Phillip look like a lost puppy.

"Is this true?" Peter says raising his eyebrows. I said nothing trying to back away even though I was pushed up against the bars.

Suddenly the cage lifted into thin air. Screaming I grabbed on to bars. Phillip found this quite amusing and thought it was great to catch a ride on top of the cage I was in. Suddenly we were approached by another boy.

"Ah I was just going to see what the fuss was about" this mystery guy said to Peter.

"Hmmm well lip here thought it would be funny to watch her scream her lungs out" peter replied looking at Phillip who I guess they call lip. Hmm weird.

"But Davey it was funny, like, she just sat straight up and screamed" ahh so this mystical boys name is Davey well I'm guessing it's David. But whatever.

"Lip enough" Davey said with a tone scary enough to tame a lion. Well that shut lip up. Davey carries on walking with us. It had been 15 minuets so... as I say if all else fails. Sleep.

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