"Thanks," I mumble as I continue to assess myself. I don't bother complaining anymore, knowing it's either this or a dress that will ride up on me every few steps I take. I walk over to her dresser, which is decorated with a multitude of girly lotions and perfumes. I apply lotion to the parts of my skin that are exposed and spritz myself with the matching spray. I fix my hair in the mirror as she tugs on a dress behind me.

"How do I look?" she asks and I turn to face her. I narrow my eyes at her completely clothed body.

"Not like a slut," I complain with a disappointed sigh. I thought she'd at least dress promiscuously with me. "I wish I could say the same for myself."

"Trust me, when you get there, you're going to feel confident enough to attend church in that outfit," she insists as she fixes her hair in the mirror. While I wait for her to finish getting ready, I replay the dinner's events in my mind.

"Do I really stare at Asa that much?" I blurt. The thought has been plaguing my mind since he mentioned it.

"Not more than the average person," she replies. "He just teases. I think he's warming up to you."

"Yeah, me too," I agree and she quirks a brow. I brief her on the events of last weekend when we drove back together after the movie.

"Sounds like he was flirting with you," she replies suggestively and I snort at the idea.

"I don't think that's the case," I trail slowly. Asa does not seem like he even knows what flirting is. He has two settings: asshole and even bigger asshole.

"Were you flirting with him?" she presses and, with pursed lips, I let out an awkward laugh.

"I mean, I'm a flirt in natural conversation," I attempt to lie.

"He'd have called you out if you were flirting and he wasn't into it," she replies. "He's rude like that."

Just as I'm about to reply, her phone lights up and it's Zack texting that he's outside. We both get up and she leads the way to the living room, where Asa is still on the couch. This time, however, he has his textbooks spread out on the table. I hesitate and trail behind her slowly, not wanting to be seen in such a scanty outfit.

"We're leaving," Maya tells him as we stand at the end of the couch.

"Have fun," he mumbles as he gazes at the equations written across the page. He adjusts his glasses on his nose.

"I don't know what time we'll be back but I'll try to text you when we're on the way," she warns. "You know, so you can put on pants."

"Who are you going with again?" he asks in a slightly distracted tone.

"Zack," she answers.

"And where is the party?" he questions. She relays the address to him and he nods. "Okay, have fun."

"How do we look?" she inquires and he doesn't break his gaze from his textbook.

"Great," he assures her..

"You didn't even look!" she complains and he groans noisily as he tears his gaze from the numbers. His eyes skim over her outfit before falling on mine and his eyebrows rise slightly. He uncomfortably turns his attention back to his homework. "So?"

"Good, fine, whatever. Go," he grumbles and Maya cackles loudly as she leads the way out of the apartment. She grins at me in a satisfied manner and I struggle to see what she's so happy about.

"What?" I ask as we wait for the elevator.

"He's so awkward," she replies simply. She sings to herself as we make our way downstairs and outside, where Zack's car is idling.

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