Iris shrugged, "let me grab something."
What's the worst that could happen, they murder her, that'd be amazing.
She snorted and closed the curtains stripping her shirt and replacing it with a grease stained shirt she'd stole from her brother.
Iris grabbed her cigarettes and walked out of her room.

Reaching her door she grabbed her house key from the small wooden table.

Stepping outside she squinted from the harsh sunlight.
"Oh Love I thought I'd have to break in."
"Hocksetter eat shit."
"That mouths gonna get you in trouble love."


They walked through her lawn and to the blue Trans Am.
"Heya boys," she waved pulling out a cigarette, "anyone got a light."
Patrick pulled out his Zippo and lit it for her.

"The nicest thing you've done for me."
Patrick winked and hopped into the car through the sun roof.
"Come on love get in the car."
"One that's what Pedophiles say, two how do you expect me to get in?"

"The sun roof?"
"I'm not lanky like Hocksetter or small like Criss."
They all gave her a look and she put her hands up, "fine damn, but you guys aren't going to murder me right?"
"We might murder you, we might not."

"Crossing my fingers for murder."
Iris clambered into the back of car from the sun roof.
Patrick wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Uh, Patrick, whatcha doin there pal?"
"What do ya mean?"
"You're arm, move it?"
"You're attitude damn, I like it."

Hocksetter removed his arm from her, "thank you hun."
"Hey Vic, did I mention Iris said she'd rather fuck you than me?"

"Oh my god Patrick shut up," Iris rolled her eyes turning to Victor, "out of context that's odd to say but I'm sure you'd rather fuck yourself than Patrick."

"Yeah I'd rather jack off than fuck him, that's gay."
"Oh my."
Everyone quieted down in the car and an awkward silence replaced their speaking.

"Belch put on music," Patrick ordered.

"What love?"
"Are you guys gonna kill me?"

"Henry are we gonna kill her?"
"You wanted her she's your responsibility, do what you want I don't care."

"Belch can I fuck- you know what I'll just do it anyway."

"You aren't having sex in my car."
"You know what I agree with Belch, these seats are too nice for that." Iris snickered

"Also I wouldn't fuck you in a car."
"So you'd fuck me, just not in the car."

"Hocksetter," she paused and looked at him.
"Move your arm."
He sighed and moved his arm.
Iris smiled and the car pulled by the small drugstore.
"Ooo What are we getting kiddies?"
"Seriously Patrick, you had to get a mouthy one, didn't ya."

Iris frowned, the car halted to a stop.

"Get out." Belch took the keys out and got out the car.
She stood up tried getting out of the sunroof when someone pushed her up through the roof.
"Jesus Christ," she finished getting out sliding down the side of the car.

"That hurt," she rubbed her behind lightly.

"I can do worse," Patrick winked at her.

"Is that so?"
"How do you know I don't like that," Iris winked at him and began walking into the small store.
Patrick had a smirk on his face and looked like he had enjoyed what she'd said.
"You know, words like those can get you in trouble," she looked back at him, "big time."

"Oh bite me."
"Will do love."

She rolled her eyes and progressed into the store.

"All talk Hocksetter."

"Wanna find out, cause I'd be glad to demonstrate."

Iris rolled her eyes and walks to a different isle then him. She began looking through different pairs of sunglasses. She came across a pair of silver aviators that she thought were nice. She looked around and saw no one paying attention and slipped them into her bra.

Who's gonna miss a pair of two dollar sunglasses? She turned around and ran into a chest.
"Doll, I didn't think you'd have sticky fingers."
"Whatever do you mean?"

Patrick smirked and backed up from her slightly. Iris turned around and walked through more isle looking for something to snack on.

She slipped a roll of mints into her front pocket and a cowtail into the waist band of her jeans. When she had decided she's gotten enough she walked to the coolers and go a can of soda.
It was around forty cents so Iris pulled out two quarters. She had gotten her change and walked to the isle the boys were at.
"When we leaving?"

"Now," Patrick wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Can you please stop?"

"I like it when you beg."
She rolled her eyes and they all got in the car. Iris grabbed the aviators and slipped them on her face.

"Do I look like a douche when I wear these?"
"No, you look hot."
"Hocksetter shut up."

She also grabbed the candy from her jeans and opened it. Taking a bite she looked at Patrick who looked at her.

"Wanna bite?" She asked with the cow tail still half chewed in her mouth.

He moved it towards his mouth and not it. "What is that anyway?"

"Its a cow tail, they're amazing."
The rest of the boys, excluding belch looked back at her.
Rolling her eyes she tore off three pieces handing them to Henry, Vic and Belch.

She held it in front of Patricks face and he bit into it, "thoughts?"
"It's good, I think you'd taste better though."
"Patrick Hocksetter, you dirty kid."
"Oh Doll, I'm far from a kid."
"Where are we going now?"
"Henry's house I guess," Patrick said.

"Henry is your dad there?"
"Shouldn't be."
"Good," she let out a sigh of relief.

"Just wondering?" She spoke more as a question.
"Actual answer, now."

"Why are y'all always so aggressive, damm. Your dad knows my dad. My dad hears about this, y'all won't hear about me ever again."
No one responded and the car fell silent, aside from Belch's music playing.
"What would he do?"
"If he found out?"
"Nothing that concerns you Hocksetter."
"Oh, it does now."

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