"No" Ryman shakes his head before he runs around the house with the book while Rustic screams and shouts.

"Ryman drop it" Alana shouts from the kitchen but the boy just keeps running around.

"Ry, I am not going to repeat and if I have to come and pull you two apart you know what will happen" she warns again but the boy does not listen.

"Mom" Rustic cries stomping his legs as he goes to his mother.

"Ry" Alana shouts once again before the boy walks in to kitchen rubbing his head as he hands the book to his brother and Rustic shouts his tongue to his brother before rushing away.

"Richard hit me" Ryman pouts making his mother sigh.

"Good, now go be a good boy like Richard and no more bullying your brother" she warns before continuing cooking.

"I am going out" Ricardo informs as he walks out of the room and grabs the jacket on the couch.

"Can I join?" Ryman gets up to join but one glare from Ricardo stops the boy.

"Where are you going? The dinner is going to be ready" Alana asks but he just walks out of the house.

"Let him be" Richie sighs as he joins his family.

"What happened?" she asks not knowing why he son looked pissed.

"I am sending him away"

"What?" Alana stares at her husband in confusion.

"Can I go with him?" Ryman asks but no one answers him.

"We will talk about it later" Richie assures as he touches her arm before he turns to join his sons.

"What are you guys doing?" he smiles, and Rustic perks up at once.


"No this goes here" Richie speaks to his son as he puts the puzzle in its place.

Rustic nods his head with a big smile as he puts his head on his father's chest and starts to do the puzzle.

"How's school?" He asks Richard who looks at him.


"No more detentions?" he chuckles as he glances at his wife who pretends not hearing anything.

"Cannot promise" the boy replies making Richie smile.

"Don't you think if you stopped getting in troubles it will be easier for your mom as she has been making lots of visits in your school?" he asks the boy who folds his arms and sit.

"No one asked her to do it"


"Whatever dad, if none of you want you don't have to"

"I have never raised a hand on you Richard so don't make me" Richie warns seeing his attitude and he stares back at the TV.

"Dad, who will come if I get into detention?" Ryman asks his father as he sits beside him.

"Your naked ass and my belt" Richie states making the boy gasp.

"One of your making troubles is enough" he warns ruffling Ryman's hair who pouts before moving the puzzles around.

"Ry, you ass" Rustic shouts as he stares at his game being ruined.

"What?" Ry acts innocent before smiling at his father who sighs at his mischief.

"Move" Richard orders Ry who narrows his eyes at Richard before he is pushed off the couch.

"Richard" Richie goes to grab Ryman, but Richard holds his hand and sits beside his father with his arm around him and lays his head on his side.

Regal : Majestic (Book #1) The Russo Series {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now