PAX Confession

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*Reader-tan is Anthony's little sister, so yeah. Idk. John x Reader.
Y/N is your name.
N/N is nickname
P/N is pet's name.*

It was a week before PAX East, and your older brother wanted you to come with you this year. You tried telling him that you were going to be busy, that you didn't have money but he was dead set on you going with him. Anthony had always been a great older brother, and when his gaming channel got really big, you were extremely supportive of him. He's forced you into a couple of videos, but you normally just sat behind him and laughed with him and his friends.

Anthony wanted you to go because he wanted you to meet the friends he usually plays with. More specifically, a certain youtuber whom you had a crush on, John, better known as KryozGaming. You played a couple of games with him with your brother, but beyond that there was no communication. You just had a stupid fangirl crush, and telling Anthony was the biggest mistake you've ever made. And now, after weeks of refusing and ignoring Anthony, you were in his room while he played Golf It with a group of friends. You recognized them all, Miniladd, Smitty, Ohm and because God hated you, Kryoz. They weren't recording, they were just playing for fun. It doesn't mean that the rage was gone, because with every wrong move, screaming and chaos ensued.

Smitty was guarding the hole, and Kryoz and Anthony were trying to get in. Mini and Ohm had already hit the ball in and were just watching, gaining enjoyment from the friendship abuse. Just as John was trying to hit the ball in, Anthony intercepted and hit him by accident, which sent John into a flying rage. "ANTHONY YOU STUPID BITCH!" John screamed, the whole group, including you, all started laughing. Anthony had made it into the hole, spectating John. Anthony had knocked John back really far, and there was only 15 seconds left on the clock. Complete silence fell over the chat, and John attempted to hit the ball into the hole, and it wouldn't stop rolling. Time ran out, and Kryoz screamed as the group started laughing again. "Anthony I'm gonna fuck your sister and then make you fuck your sister." John aggressively muttered into the mic. You're face turned red and your brother turned to look at you, his face a mix of disgust and amusement, then looked back at the screen. "I mean, you're welcome to it but I won't do the sex with my own sister. If she were adopted and was hot, that's a different story." Anthony joked. You picked up a pillow and launched it at him. "Even if I were adopted, I can do better than you." you chimed. "Fucking rekt." Smitty laughed, the conversation dying off.

An hour later, the group was disbanding. All that was left was Anthony and John. You had laid down to take a nap on your brother's bed, and John and Anthony were talking about PAX. "Yeah, I'm making Y/N go. She told me last year she wanted to go, so I thought I'd treat her." Anthony said to John asking if he was coming alone or not. "That's cool." was all John said. Anthony looked over his shoulder at you on the bed. "Hey, Y/N is sleeping. I'm gonna go. I'll see you in a week." Anthony said. "Yeah man, see ya later." John replied. Anthony stood up from his chair, walking over to his bed. He shook you awake, and walked you to the room you stayed in when you stayed with him. As soon as you layed down, you were out again. You had a dream that you were at PAX, but Anthony wasn't with you. Instead, you were with the very man that you had a crush on, John. The rest was blurry, but you were definitely holding his hand. You woke up the next morning, a little flushed. 'Why was I holding John's hand?' you mused. You shrugged, just brushing it off as a weird dream.

~Supah mega time skip to a week later~

You and Anthony were in the airport, just messing around waiting for the flight. Anthony decided to vlog the whole trip, which you made a mission to take the opportunity to steal the camera everytime you could. You kept having a nervous feeling about meeting John, would he like you? Would he even recognize who you are? What if you go into an asthmatic fit if he vaped around you? It was almost like Anthony could feel the nervousness, and he patted you on the back. "Don't worry N/N, you got this. It isn't like he's going to completely ignore you the whole time." he said, making you feel a little better. You just nodded at him, and focused on your phone. Your flight would be in just a few minutes, so you both gather your stuff and get going.

KryozGaming x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now