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Vivian pov
The door opens and everyone is quiet, I look up and see Anthony, he walks towards me and directs me to follow him. I get up and walk to our room. I shut the door "not worth shutting it they're still gonna listen" I smile. "Anthony I swear there is nothing between me and Logan" I say. "Is it true I'm the only one you've ever had sex with?" He asks "well yeah I mean unlike Justin but that wasn't anything" I say "okay" he kisses me and I kiss back. I open the door and see everyone "thanks for the privacy guys" I roll my eyes and laugh.

It was later at night and me and Anthony couldn't fall asleep everyone else was. I was laying between his legs as he was on his phone I filmed me then lifted his shirt and smirked he laughed. I captioned it "rolling in with Vanthony💗" I turn and lay my head on his chest and take a pic then post it, Anthony starts to film me and I sit up and straddle his waist and smile.
I post on Instagram


                         Instagram @VivLu

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@VivLu: I love you 💗@imanthonytruj

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I play sex songs and dance and roll on the bed. We tried to be quiet until Chad walked in "Shhh y'all are loud" he complains "have some fun with us we can't sleep" I say and Chad shakes his head and lays next to me and Tony "yo! Why do y'all have like the comfiest bed in the house hell the biggest?" He asked "i dont know but shh now you're loud don't wanna wake the boxer up it's his big day tomorrow" he laughs and shortly we all fell asleep.

It's the next day and Chad was gone and so was Anthony I walk into our bathroom and he was in the shower "hey babe" I say "hey baby" he sticks his head out, We kiss and I use the bathroom. I walk out and get dressed in basket ball shorts and put an It's everyday bro bra on.
I put studs in and do my makeup and flat iron my hair it went all the way to my butt. I walk out and into the living room. "Your hair is so long" bear says "you didn't know?" I laugh. I sit on the couch and I'm joined with Tydus he lays his head on my lap and I rub his head, soon I feel my hair be touched. "It's so silky" I hear Bear and I laugh "yeah everyone loves touching it. Erika and Anthony fought because of it" I giggle. Soon everyone was ready and everyone had Rnbo shirts "can I get an rnbo shirt?" I ask, Adan hands me one and I throw it on and tie it into a crop top. The first group left which was the fighters, Anthony, Rick, Chad, Mike, Bear, and the videographers then me.

We get there and go back stage and have to wait while that everyone was doing stories and lives, Anthony sat down and and sprawled out I layed against him cuddling. Then Logan goes live "we got Jerika, Vanthony say hi" I wave and then Logan mentions our stories "dude it was Vanthony Spam we were bored and Chad was there too he told us to shut up" I laugh.
They play songs and Tony gets up and dances.
Soon it's game time. Since I'm fucking lazy and everyone knows Jake wins imma do whatever the fuck I want :).
Jake and Deji fight and in the 3 round they're still going Jake gets punched and he's bleeding and he's slowly suffocating on his blood. It's break and I immediately get up and push everyone away. "Towel! Anybody got a Fucking towel?" I get thrown one and I quickly cover his nose "Alright I need you to blow your nose as hard as you can to get rid of the blood, he does it and it's cleared I take water and sprayed it up and he blowed it out "good now I need TP" I get it and I clean his nose then clean him off, "who didn't get her here earlier?" I heard someone say. We had 10 seconds left "Alright Jake wear him out don't loose okay do this for everyone he's a prick go get 'em Tiger!" I yell and he gets up and I get out the ring and stand at the edge. "GO JAKE!" I yell. Soon he's bleeding again from another hit, then there's a break and I quickly do it all over again quicker "the only reason your bleeding is because he has a big squid ward nose and it's flat your handsome and defined so it's easier to target fuck him up you got this!" Soon hes back in the ring and he wins and I climb on the ring and hug him "you fucking did it champ" I say and he smiles. They finish up and I have to go out with Logan. I had to take my shirt off cuz there was blood so I was in the bra.

I march out with Logan and I was in charge if there was blood.
We get in the ring and it starts. Logan was being cocky and wasting energy, after good hits it's break and I go up to him "I need you to listen and cooperate alright don't be cocky anymore relax you're wasting energy" I give him water and wipe his face, I jump out and it starts.
Finally it's over and the bell rings and Ksi hits Logan quickly me and Jake jump up there and they grabbed Jake "That's a FUCKING DISQUALIFICATION!" I yell and the security tries to grab me "No get off me do not touch me." I push them off and I  stand in the corner with Logan I take his head gear off "listen it's fine" I hug him. They get together and it's to see who wins. "It's a Draw!" They yell and I quickly go up to him "they can't do that! It's a disqualification Ksi got Logan after the bell" I say "I can't do anything about that you have to talk to the judges. "It's seems as if Vivian is mad at the outcome oh and she walking over here". I jump from the ring and I talk to Weller "Joe I know this is your country and shit but your guy is supposed to be disqualified so if you don't do shit about it I'm taking the mic and yelling so do something!" I say. He looks honestly scared. Joe shrugs and I'm infuriated and I go up to him but get snatched.

Love...//Anthony Trujillo FF//Team10Where stories live. Discover now