International Camp For Exceptional Teens Of Quidditch

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IT DIDN'T SURPRISE AMIA POWERS the only thing her father, Caleb Powers, could talk about was the International Camp For Exceptional Teens Of Quidditch, also known as ROGUE, in his letters for the following two weeks after she had been accepted int...

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IT DIDN'T SURPRISE AMIA POWERS the only thing her father, Caleb Powers, could talk about was the International Camp For Exceptional Teens Of Quidditch, also known as ROGUE, in his letters for the following two weeks after she had been accepted into the training camp.

The man was a very talented wizard and Amia looked up to him: when graduating from Ilvermorny School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry Caleb Powers had received top marks. When he graduated it had appeared he had been talented at everything. He was an amazing addition to the Quidditch pitches as a Keeper and could have had a future as a Professional Quidditch Player. However, instead, Amia's father had pursued a career in the Magical law enforcement. He became an Auror.

At the moment, he was the head of the Canadian Auror Division - so, Amia figured he had made the right choice.

Auror Divisions were the field offices of the Department Of Aurors located throughout North America and specifically tasked with the capture of dangerous criminals within the jurisdiction of their designated areas. All the divisions reported back to their home office at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in New York, the headquarters of MACUSA.

Quidditch was still very important for her father though, and it wasn't hard to notice. It was almost always the topic of their conversation. Even though they now lived in the capital of Canada, Ottawa, in the Ontario province, Caleb still spiritedly rooted for the Moose Jaw Meteorites of Moose Jaw in Saskatchewan. And so did Amia. Her dream was to play in the all black uniform of Moose Jaw Meteorites with her name and number on the back above the brown moose head. And obviously, make it to the Canada's National Quidditch team.

Amia's high ambition was thriving her forward, sometimes too fast for her own good. She didn't seem to have time to even celebrate her successes in Quidditch as her teammates, her friends, were always telling her. Every time she succeeded in a challenge, the girl didn't even stop to take a break or celebrate. Amia thought her success shouldn't be surprise because it was exactly what was supposed to happen. It was something unfortunate her father had unintentionally taught to her with his own behavior.

Amia was always pushing herself to the limits and even further because she had to be the best. It was not easy: all of her competition in the school Quidditch teams were boys, who had a physical advantage.

Rogue: Oliver Wood | Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now