"That's fine we can pick something else then" Luke said with a smile.

After searching for what felt like an hour we decided to go with the notebook. I was shocked Luke hadn't seen it before so I made him put it on.

We cuddled up on the sofa side by side and had our junk food by our feet. About 20 minutes into the movie Luke started leaning on my shoulder. He was falling asleep. He must have been really exhausted like he said.

"Here Luke rest your head right here."

He mumbled something incoherent because he was half asleep but he obliged. He rested his head on my lap and laid out on the rest of the sofa. I took a blanket from the back of the sofa and placed it over him and stroked his soft cheek with my thumb as he dozed off.

I ended up watching more of Luke than the actual movie. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I couldn't help but stare.

The movie ended and I took the xbox controller and put on another movie. I decided to go with transformers 3. It probably is my favourite of the three.

Not soon after the movie started Luke started to stir in his sleep. He opened his sleepy eyes and looked up at me.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked.

"Yea you were kind of leaning on my shoulder so I let you lay down on my lap. I thought you'd be more comfortable" I said as I ran my hands through Luke's soft hair.

"It is comfy" he said with a smirk.

He looked over to the tv and realized what movie was playing.

"You like transformers?" Luke asked.

"Of course, who doesn't." I said

"You just didn't seem like the transformers type."

Luke stayed in the same place while we watched transformers.

"That feels good" Luke said all of the sudden.

"What feels good?" I asked.

"When you run you hands through my hair. It's really calming." He said.

I looked down to see my hands in Luke's hair.

"I-I didn't even realize I was doing it" I said as I took my hands away from his head.

He turned over to look at me. I couldn't get over how beautiful his green eyes were.

"Don't stop, please" he whined.

I laughed as I brought my hands back to his hair and we continued to watch the movie.


Four movies and two bowls of chips later Luke's parents arrived home from work. We greeted them at the door and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Luke had such a nice, loving family.

"How are you liking all of your clothes?" Emma asked during dinner.

"I love them so much. You didn't have to get me all that Emma." I exclaimed.

"Nonsense dear. I always wanted a daughter to spoil and buy clothes for and I Luke never enjoyed when I bought him dresses to wear when he was little."

I looked over to Luke and his face flushed deep red.

"Alright mom that's enough stories for tonight" Luke grunted.

I couldn't helps but let out a little giggle.

Luke glared at me which made me laugh even more.

After helping Emma clear up dishes I found Luke in the living room watching some tv. I sat down on the chair across the room and he looked at me strangely.

"Come here" Luke motioned for me to sit down beside him.

I got up and sat down beside him but as I was sitting down he moved so I ended up sitting on his lap. I blushed and averted eye contact with him. He did that on purpose!

"You're so cute when you blush." Luke said.

That only made me blush even more.

"I can't help it" I said.

Luke laughed as he moved me slightly on his lap.

"Sorry is this not comfortable?" I asked.

Now it was Luke's turn to blush.

"N-No it was just too comfortable and you were making my mini a little excited."

I blushed as well and shifted back into place on Luke's lap.

"Skyy you're not helping" he groaned.

I giggled and kept shifting in his lap. I could feel him harden against me. he grabbed my hips so I would stop moving.

"If you don't stop I will take you here and I don't care if my parents are just in the kitchen." He whispered in my ear.

I jumped off his lap and sat down beside him. I certainly wasn't having any of that especially since his parents were here. I guess I deserved it though for teasing him.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the park, it's not far from here so we can just walk there." Luke asked randomly.

"Sure I'd love to."

My Saving GraceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora