Chapter 1: Rowena Ravenclaw Meets The Love of Her Life

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Theme Songs:

I Love You -Avril Lavigne

Smile-Avril Lavigne


Rowena's POV in 3rd person.

She sat at her parents' graves, placed the peonies on them and whispered,  "Happy Anniversary Mother and Father. I brought you these, they represent everlasting love. I miss you."  She wiped her tears and rose off her feet and went to the forest to think at her tree house.

But when she got there, she was flabbergasted to see that someone was already there! She reached for her wand quietly and tip-toed to the boy standing there. She then non-verbally cast the Disarming Spell. The boy dropped his wand and Rowena leapt upon him, grabbed her dagger, then pushed him to the wall, dagger at his throat.

"Lumos." she said and, for the first time, she saw the boy's face properly. He had wavy black hair and breathtakingly beautiful blue eyes, piercing into hers, sending an electric surge of energy through her.

Dagger still pointing at him, she picked up his wand and gave it to him, lowering her dagger and wand at the same time.

"I'm Rowena.Rowena Ravenclaw. " she said.

"I'm Salazar Slytherin.  Call me Sal." He replied, " Sorry for barging in. I didn't know that it belonged to anyone. I was just curious. Well I must be going." he said and stepped out of the door.

"Wait." Rowena said," Would you like to come here tomorrow? At 2?"

"Yes. That would be fun. Thanks for the invitation. " he said and gave her a charming smile.

Oh how handsome he was! His eyes made her feel like she was looking at the sea and they sparkled like a kaleidoscope.  His hair was as black as an onyx and his gorgeous smile took her breath away. And as he left, for the first time in quite a while, Rowena actually smiled and so it did everytime she thought of the young boy that day for Rowena had felt something strange and unusual. When she looked at him, heard his voice, thought of him, she felt love.

Rowena had finally found her sweetheart.

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