Chapter Three

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Taryn met Caleb outside by the car, her eyes studying her brothers face as she lifted her carefully curved eyebrows. "Want to go visit mom?"

Caleb stumbled, his eyes wide like she just suggested jumping off of a bridge. "E- excuse me?"

Taryn chuckled, crossing her arms and leaning on the car. "I said do you want to go visit mom? It's a Monday, and I don't really have anything else to do. Besides, I need to talk to Dr. Ramses about something."

Caleb's eyes were pleading. "Please don't, Taryn. If mom sees my face it'll be the end of my life."

Taryn rolled her eyes, digging the keys out of her pocket. "We won't go, unless you tell me who did that to you."

Caleb glared at her. "We're playing this by blackmail, now? That's cold."

Taryn shook her head. "Is it a deal?" A group of students walked by them, most turning heads towards Taryn's way and waving.

Taryn returned the wave, and spun the keys on her fingers. Caleb straightened, his voice emotionless. "I can handle him, Taryn. I told you that. Using mom as a ploy won't make me tell you."

"Right, because handling things in Caleb's mind means totally having them under control," she deadpanned. She opened the passenger door with one hand, her eyes still locked on her brother.

"We're going to see mom, Caleb, and let her force the name out of you." Caleb sighed, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and ducking under her arm to get inside the car.

Taryn closed the door, walking to the other side and getting in. "Why are you so complicated? It's just a name, and you won't get hurt anymore, little brother."

She started the car, pulling out of the parking spot and cursing when she got stuck in the high school traffic.

Taryn stopped and bought Starbucks for the two of them and their mother. Caleb was very grateful, because Starbucks was his entire life in a caffeinated drink.

And Taryn knew this, like she knows everything. They pulled into Oscorp, parking closest to the exit.

Caleb pulled down the mirror, sighing then the red cuts on his face made no sign of disappearing. "She's going to kill me."

Taryn huffed, shrugging her shoulders when she turned the car off. "It's your funeral. You didn't want to tell me, now your getting mommed for it."

Caleb raised his eyebrows. "'Mommed?' Who even says that?"

"Me, obviously." Taryn said a bit perkily. "I can invent new verbs if I wanted to, there's no law against it."

Caleb rolled his eyes. "Like you follow any of them."

Taryn laughed. "You know me so well." She lightly tapped her brother's uninjured cheek before getting out.

Caleb groaned, opening the door and climbing out with his and his mom's Starbucks in tow.

They walked through the entrance, greeted by the usual rush of people walking about on the first floor.

Caleb followed Taryn over to the front desk, awkwardly standing over her shoulder and sipping his Starbucks loudly.

"Hey, Angela. Is my mom out of her meeting?" Taryn leaned against the desk, her dark eyes scanning Angela intently.

Angela looked up from her computer, smiling at her. "She just got out a few minutes ago, and I think she's in her office with Dr. Ramses."

She wiggled her eyebrows, and the two giggled like schoolgirls. Well, Taryn is a school girl kind of, but Angela is giggling like a true schoolgirl.

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