Who's In?

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[Silver's POV]

I was in Squeeze, the Juice Shop downstairs from the studio when I got a text from Michelle. I ran upstairs and I laughed with shock.

My name was at the top of the list, just above Michelle who was above Emily and so on. I scanned my way down the list and saw that West, Daniel, Eldon, and James had made it as well. I had my juice in my hand and I smiled and squealed, hugging Michelle tightly.

The boys cheered when they saw that they had all made it, and me as well. I got congrats from so many people, that they all began to blur into one. "Everybody!" And we ignored the voice. "AHEM!"

And I looked to see Emily was standing there. "We're auditioning for lines. James and the boys go first. Then Riley, Chloe, Stephanie and Tiff. Then Michelle and you." Emily spat the word like it was venom. I looked down and I saw that I could see my veins, which was a good sign I was panicking and having an anxiety attack.

I pushed through the crowd and ran, grabbing my pills as I went.

I ran past Kate's office and she looked up.

I ran into the bathroom and I was having trouble breathing.

I turned the water on and I splashed some on my face.

I slid down to the ground, my knees bent and I took great, big, shuddering sobbing breaths.

I heard someone push the door open and I looked up to see Kate standing there, Chris and Michelle behind her.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry." I said and pushed past the three and I ran, scooping up my bag and my fingers trembled as I grabbed my phone.

I began to dial my brother's number when someone knocked the phone into another hand.  Suddenly I felt a familiar set of arms around me and I leaned against Darren and broke.

"Hey. It's okay." My older brother said and I shook my head as I cried. "No. I can't do this. My anxiety is so bad in there." I said and he shook his head at me.

"What was the thing mom always told us never to do?" He asked, looking at me. "Give up." I whispered. "What?" He asked. "Never give up." I snapped.

"Well you're doing that right now. So the only way not to give up, is get off your ass and go back in there and dance." He said and I nodded.

I walked back in with Darren right behind me, his hand on my shoulder, squeezing supportively.

I put my bag down and they all turned towards me. Darren nodded and our duet began. I leaped and landed rolling. He was doing some of West's favorite hand movements and I flipped up and landed in his arms. He suddenly tossed me and I landed in his arms again and we had just done the helicopter.

The whole studio gasped in shock and I landed on the ground and did a headstand.

Darren did a flip from the ground, over my legs and the boys let out loud whoops of awe and terror.

I knew all the girls were eyeing my brother's considerable muscles as we did the duet.

We finished with my signature move, kicking off Darren's back and landing on my feet. "Anyone has any bad comments about my sister, deal with me." Darren said coolly and I tossed him his hat and he nodded and shook hands with Kate and Chris. He walked out, picking up his jacket and slipping into it.

"How did you do the helicopter lift?" Tiffany asked. "We used to do it a lot." I said and I felt sweat pouring down my neck.

"You guys are amazing. With that duet, you guys could win Nationals." And I looked at Michelle and she nodded.

"Well he's a professional." I said and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Damn right he is." The E-Girls cooed. "Oh jeez." And I was surrounded by the boys. "Can you teach us how to do the headslide?"

James asked and I looked at him. "No. It's more Darren's thing." I said and he nodded. "He can teach you guys if you want." I said and the boys shrugged and smirked at me.

I sighed and walked over to Michelle. "Can you teach ne the hand movements? I've always wanted to learn." She said and I looked at her. "Sure. Just after the Queen Bee, gives us our lines."

I said and she nodded. After we had all auditioned, I waited for the list anxiously, my fingers tapping on the bench beneath me. My foot tapped in time with my fingers.

I walked downstairs to Squeeze and grabbed a juice. I smiled and they smiled back at me. After a couple days, people had stopped looking at me like I was a lost cause of burns.

I smiled and began to drink my juice. I felt a calm sensation come over me and I smiled, feeling the tension flowing out of my body.

I sighed and looked at my rings on my right hand. I sighed and took another sip. I lay down on the table and fell asleep, my hands over my head to keep the light out.

Someone shook me awake and I saw Michelle standing there with James and West. "Come on! The results are being pinned up now!" She yelled and I saw everyone staring at us, but I didn't care.

I ran up the stairs, skipping steps as I did. I was too excited to wait and I was staring in shock at the board, my eyes burning with tears.

Under back row, was Michelle, West, and Silver.

I looked and saw that all the E-Girls were in the front including Chloe and Riley. In the second row, were James, Eldon, and Daniel.

I bit back my tears, willing my lip to stop trembling. I looked down and my hands were trembling with rage. I was put in the back row, next to West and my arms were trembling with rage.

"Listen up!" Emily yelled and pulled my arms back forcefully and I pushed her away and my arms were shaking. "Looks like someone's cracking under the pressure." Emily spat and I looked at her and my brown eyes burned with flames of fury and rage.

"I'm not cracking under pressure. I'm cracking under the fact that you're so forceful with us. You shouldn't be Dance Captain if you're pushing us around." I snapped and West, James, and Daniel moved to stand beside me with Michelle.

"She's right." And I walked out, grabbing my bag. James, Michelle, West, and Daniel followed me, with Riley trailing behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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