thanking the ghoul

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"This" is thought
Rune POV

As i sat up i heard gasps all around me there were more i here than i thought

Oz: so our guest is awake, do yo understand me?

Rune: yes... Ghoul i understand.

Oz:? Ghoul? I am not a ghoul. I am a human, so is every one else in the room. I am ozpin

Rune:? A... Hooman?

Oz: human,hue-man

Rune: so,there is a sub-species of ghouls,this could be a problem
Where am i?... Human

Ozpin: you are on the planet remnant,at beacon academy, my school.

Rune: so who are you four standing in the corner.

???1 i am Prryha

???3 i am Jaune

???2 Lie Ren

???4 Nora!

Rune: your the four from the forest. Where is my gear, what happened to the wreckage?

Ozpin: it is all in a safe place, now i must ask, will we have any problems? Or are you a friend?

Rune: depends, which are you?

Ozpin: friends then.

Rune: so it seems.

Nora: why did you call us ghouls? Also do you know what a pancake is?

Rune: i do not know of this...pankake you speak of, as for the ghouls... We are at war with them.

Ozpin: if i may ask why?

Rune: if I'm being honest, we don't know, but what we do know is that they have the great machine and our goddess behind their walls. We must reclaim them

Ozpin: what is this great machine you speak of, and does this goddess have a name.

Rune: the great machine is a giant pure white orb. It grants technology
An power beyond imagination, and as for the goddess, we do not know her name. All we know is that she is mother to all eliksni. She is as tall as a ketch, she bears a pure white banner and is dressed in the purest of robes.

Ozpin: so your people are known as eliksni. And how goes this... War of yours? If you don't mind me asking.

Rune, we have taken hold of most of their home world, but the steal the power from the great machine, and use it against us. When the great machine was taken, so were its gifts.


Rune: and then there's the hive.

Ozpin: the hive?

Rune: Weird bug like beings that rely on dark magic and sheer numbers to beat their enemy and sacrifice the survivors in the name of their "gods".

Jaune so its a 3 way war?

Rune: four,

Ren: whats is the fourth party?

Rune: the cabal, a giant military race that will crush anything that stands in their way, even planets.

Jaune: your joking right?

Rune: no i am not.

Ozpin: well, i think you have been stuck in this room long enough. lets  show you around.

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