Dexdon's birthday party

I went to take a look at the room it is gorgeous, it looks grand and very impressive the children did very good I love it. I need to make sure I have the photographers take some pictures of the room before anyone comes in. Dexdon I have to go out for a few minutes while you talk to Zoe so I will see you later love you. We are all in the community room waiting for Dexdon. Dexdon came in and we all yelled out to him HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEXDON. He was so surprised all he could do was stand there in shock. Rou you really got me I didn't have a clue. Ok, let's party everyone there are appetizers and an open bar so let have fun. The music is good old school fast and slow music. Dexdon and I had a slow birthday dance we danced very close I could fill every part of his body against me I closed my eyes and he swept me off m feet. Dinner was served at seven p.m. I did the rabbit myself at Zoe's house we cut them up cooked them and then put it in a pot of gravy, in fact, there were eight pots of gravy and rabbit and the mashed potatoes on the side. There were at least one hundred or more people there we danced talked joked we did all kind of things. So we sat down for the birthday dinner there was a very long table in the front which is where we sat and the other tables were round covered with red tablecloths and black plates. Everything was great and that lasted until about nine p.m. We got up and gathered around the cake and sang happy birthday to Dexdon and he cut the cake everyone that wanted cake got some they ate everything in the center. I must say I outdid myself everything went well no arguing no incident even though some of the guesses got drunk we sent them home in a cab. Our children cleaned the community room so that I will be able to get my deposit back they all helped a lot I like that we worked together as a family. Dexdon and I went home and made love all night I think he had a good day. The party was on Friday and now it is Saturday morning and we don't have to go outside to do anything. So we decided to have movie day so we slipped on something and went and got four movies from Zok's Joy and we went down the street and go the big blues sandwiches alone with soda and chips and other goodies we are ready. We went back home and got in the bed and started our movie day. I was going to cut the phones off but if I did then our children would think that something is wrong and they would start to worry and maybe even come over so I am not going to cut the phone off.  We have one more movie left and we sill have more than enough snacks.  The phone is ringing its Lafela mother Rou can I come over I need to tell you and my dad something?  Yes dear.  (the doorbell is ringing) It's  Lafela hi dear.  Where is my dad? He is in the kitchen doing something.  Can I go into the kitchen and talk to the two of you? Yeas dear. Hi dad how are you doing? Oh, honey, I am just fine. So what's up honey? I am going out on a date and I have been seeing him for a month now. What? Yes. And I want him to come over and meet the two of you. I like him he's a keeper I am going to marry him in a year. Wow. So can we go out to dinner so that you two can meet him? Yes. So where are we going to meet you two at? Meet me at that French restaurant on the west side of town.  What is the name of it? It's  Abélia the address is 334455 Achille Street. What time should we meet you? We are going out for dinner Sunday so I will see you guys at eight p.m. I see the two of you are busy sorry that I disturbed you guys. I am leaving see you guys tomorrow. Honey are you ready to start watching the movie yes honey here I come. We watched all of the movies and we finished at midnight. Dexdon just fell to sleep and I am going to sleep myself.  (up) Dexdon is up in the kitchen cooking something to eat. I am hungry let me go and see what he is cooking. Everything smells good Dexdon. What is it?  Eggs, ham and pancakes and coffee. Come and sit down honey I love you. Breakfast was great thank you, honey. Let's go and take a shower we made love in the shower and got dressed. We went to the park and ice skated that was fun. We went out for lunch we ordered salads and ice tea. We got back home and watched some television and took a shower and got dressed. We met Lafela and her man friend. Lafela introduced him his name is Jayden Ruben. We talked about how they met. His sister got a job where Lafela works and I drop my sister off for work until she gets her own car. And I had parked in the wrong spot and Lafela told me if I don't want my car towed I should not park there. Does she know your sister? No, they work in different areas the building is very big twenty storied high. One morning when I was dropping off my sister I saw Lafela again and I asked her out. Where do you work at.? I work at the university I teach criminal science. How long have you been teaching? For ten years. I love my job and sometimes the police bring things to examine. Do you get paid for doing these things? Yes. I own my own house it in the  Serb Circle. I know the area it's located in a gated community. I like it.  It's very nice over there.  How can you afford to live over there? My parents are both dead they got in a car accident and they were rich and that left me and my sister alone. We only have each other no uncles or aunts my parents were the only child of their parents. That's one reason my parents decided to have more than one child.  How long have they been gone? It was five years ago. Well, I am so sorry for your lost. Thank you, Mrs. Roen. No call me Rou. Ok. Dinner was great thank you for coming it's getting late and I have to leave  I got to teach a class. Lafela would you like for me to take you home? Yes. Ok, you guys goodnight. Thanks for coming. We are going to be leaving soon also we will see you goodnight honey (kissing her parents). So Dexdon what do you think of him? Well, it seems like he got his head on straight. Let's go. Ok.  I am going to bed I had a very good long day goodnight honey. I will be in there soon I want to drink a beer and watch the news (kissing). We go up and left for work.  Kato Jen is a full-time employee for us. We open's up at eight a.m. five days a week. She checks in our patients so we have nothing to worry about we only have five waiting rooms for our patients to be checked in and we schedule their appointments forty-five minutes apart to give us time to get to the next person and they don't have to wait long. We normally get to work by eight thirty and our first patient should be there checked in and waiting for one of us. This entire week went great without outside incidents. Nothing is wrong in the family it is Friday and time to close the office for the weekend.  

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