Chapter 7

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Christmas Eve

Dexdon and I are watching some old Christmas movies and eating some apple pie with ice cream very relaxing. (Doorbell rings) It should be Zoe and the girls they went to do some more Christmas Shopping. Hey, mother sorry that it took us so long to get back I just kept on forgetting things but I think I am all good now. Napa and Valley go in the room and wrap jour gifts. Ok, mother. Hi, Grand and Dexdon. Good night girls love you. Love you to Gran. Zoe, why are they going to bed so early it is just 9:00 p.m.? I wanted to talk to the two of you.  About what?  Well, next week school will be starting back and we will be going back home. Ok. So what do you want to talk to us about? I want to sell the house and I want to buy a condo near you? That sounds very good. Ok so why are you telling me this? I just want to make sure that I am not invading your space. And right now I just want to be close to you please mother. I need this to maintain my sanity. Are you alright baby? No mother it just hurt so bad that Hollister did this to us. Oh, baby come and give me a long hug ( uncontrollable crying from Zoe) It's going to be alright baby.  Have you spoken to the girls about moving out here? Yes. And what do they think? They said fine and they understand that I want to be out of that house. And. they said they want to be away from there also. They found out that Hollister's son goes to the same school as Napa he is a grade under her.  After Christmas, I will apply to buy a condo in this area so that we can be here before the start of the school because it starts back the second week of January.  OK then. Dexdon have you and mother planned for your wedding yet? We have done everything except where we are going to have it at.  Do you guys want to have it at a church? No, we don't we might rent the community room here.  Zoe, please tell me what time it is. It is 10:00 p.m. right now we have two more hours before Christmas.  Where are the girls? They are sleeping. Mother are you and Dexdon finished with the Christmas dinner? What are you serving? Well, we are serving ham, duck, mustard and turnip greens mixed with spinach, cornbread mac, and cheese, potato salad, muffins, canned yams,  six sweet potato pies, one white cake and one lemon cake and some ice cream and cranberry sauce. What are we drinking? There will be a mixture of sodas, and juice and water. Are we using the real china or paper plates? I decided to use paper plates so that there won't be a lot of dishes or work to do. I want to enjoy Christmas with my family.  Hey, Dexdon are your children and their children coming over for Christmas? Yes, they are supposed to. Well, Dexdon Jr. and LaShella and the twin girls Flower and Daisy are supposed to be coming. What about the boys? They are both locked up they can't seem to stay out of trouble. What did they do if you don't mind me asking said Zoe? They stole a car and went on a joy ride and a high-speed chase from the police. So they are in the county jail since the crime was an adult crime they are charging them as adults so they might be going to jail for a couple of years.  I am sorry about that. That's alright Zoe because they know right from wrong and this is the path they choose because Dexdon Jr. and LaShella had them on the right path. Their only job was to go to school no worries, wants or responsibilities just school.  Lafela is coming over by herself. Is she still single? Yes, she said she is having the time of her life.  What about Waldell and Kiwi? Are they coming over? Yes, they are coming over. There are going to be a lot of people here mother. I know that is why I got the community room for all of us and it seats about fifty people. But I have a set up for all of us to sit together. It's a long table.  And we took the food and everything over there early this morning while you guys were sleeping. Is there a tree up in the community room? Yes. And all of your presents are over there under the tree. And Dexdon went and got all of the presents from his family and placed them under the tree.   Wow, mother, you and Dexdon have it all planned out. Yes, we do Otto. I placed a sign on the community room door for us to all meet over there. It says Toll and Roen Christmas dinner party. Is everyone dressed Zoe and ready to go to the community room? Yes, mother.  We have the room from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. all day even if we don't stay that long. We had to put a payment of one hundred dollars and if we leave it clean we will get seventy-five dollars back. Why don't you get all of your money back? Because it goes towards the upkeep of the community center. I like that said Silver. Well, should we all head over there it is almost ten thirty. 

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