Chapter 2 - the Testing Part 1

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After two weeks of tedious training from my mother it was finally the day I'd been waiting for - testing day. We - my mum, Pip and I -drove the four hour journey to the testing centre the night before and stayed over at a B and B.

In the morning I woke up at 5 am, showered and got dressed in a cream jumper and black skirt. I self consciously stroked my outfit - hoping I looked the part as I lightly curled my light brown hair and put on some makeup. Just then Pip, my sister came to see me. "Laura, I just want to let you know I'm proud of you whatever happens. Just do your best today" I gave her a watery smile and nodded
"Thank you Pip" as she hugged me tight. I took a deep breath, smoothed out my clothes and smiled. "Shall we go?"

The testing building was amazing. I thought it would be very old fashioned and practically ancient but it was very modern. As we walked in we were created by an overly smiley women. "Welcome to Saint Theresa's Testing day can I take your name and reg number?"
"Laura White and..." I fumbled around for my number  "Number 642" she typed his into her computer and smiled at me.
"Bare with me as I find your timetable" she took a minute looking through the boxes behind her before she eventually resurfaced with a piece of paper. She handed it to me. I looked at it, it has my name and the number 642 at the top. The first thing it had on it was '9 - 30' welcome in the main haul. I looked down at my watch, it was already 9 - 20 so Pip, mum and I decided we should make our way there.

We spent a while looking around the glossy white hauls for it but eventually found it with two minutes to spare. We took our seats next exactly the kind of family I expected to see. I mousy, scrunched face girl and her mother and father sat beside it. They clearly didn't think we belonged here. I caught them more than once looking disapprovingly at Pippa's wild hair and my black boots; personally I thought my boots looked quite sophisticated.

At 9 - 30 on the dot they shut the glass doors and who I assumed was the Head Mistress took the stage. "Welcome, To Saint Theresa Testing Day" everyone clapped modestly. "Now you may have noticed we've closed the doors" she continued "that is because anyone not currently inside the hall will not be coming in. We value punctuality at Saint Theresa's" I looked around, there was one or two empty seats but all in all everyone made it in.

Miss Williams talked for about twenty minutes more before we were allowed to go. Once we were out of the haul I looked down at the next thing on my time table. '10 - 05, swimming trail'. I took a deep breath in, this one shouldn't be too hard. I could swim responsibly well and I was pleased to say I wasn't deathly afraid as I made my way to the swimming pool changing room.

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