Chapter one

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I was at Starbucks getting my really tasty drink, when this guy came up to me and asked, "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

"that depends, I usually like guys who don't have cheesy pick up lines." I told him with a smile.

"oh well. I usually fall for girls who like my pick up lines." he said with a contagious smile.

"what's your name?" I asked.

"Taylor" he answered, "and yours?"

"Brielle" I answered.

he was so cute! and his bandana is amazing!

"thanks!" he said.

"did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed.

"yeah. but your cute too." he.said and I blushed.

"thanks. I got to go okay?" I said to him.

"okay. but will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know." I told him. and started to walk away.

"Wait! here take this." he called and gave me his Tye dye Bandana.

"Aww. Taylor I couldn't."

"please just take it to remember me by."

"ok. bye."

"bye Brielle."

**** later that day****


" Dude I can't get her out of my head." I told Nash.

"what's her name?" Nash asked.

"Brielle" I answered Nash.

"what's her last name?" he asked me.

"I don't know." I said.

"what's her number?" He asked again.

"I didn't get it." I told him.

"where is you favorite Tye dye bandana?" Nash asked. he is getting really annoying.

"I gave it to her to remember me by." I explained.

"Aww! Tay Tay is in LOVE!" He shouted so the whole house heard.

I heard about six elephants running down the stairs.

"who!" Mahogany, Aaron, Shawn, Hayes, Jacob, and Jack J. asked.

"a girl.I met at Starbucks. her name is Brielle!" I told them and quickly explained what happened.

"awww!" Mahogany Said, "I'll help you find her, okay?" she said and I nodded.


"You were sleeping." I told him.

"I really need to find her. I really like her." I told everyone.

"Lets go try to find her." Mahogany said grabbing my arm and dragging me up to her room. we went on the computer and started searching.


"Maddi I need to find him!" I told my best friend.

"lets try to find him online!" she suggested.

"okay. lets try." I said and grabbed my laptop.

"go on google images." she said and I did.

I gave her my computer and she typed in his first name and it automatically put in Taylor Caniff.

then I showed her the Tye dye bandana he gave me.

we looked through the images of Taylors and nine had the Tye dye bandana.

"I don't think its him." I told Maddi. and she nodded.


"Dude you need to go and pack." Said Cameron.

"whatever. When do we need to leave?" I asked him

"two hours." He assured me.

"imma go shower." I told him,and went to my room to shower and pack.


"Lets get Magcon Tickets!" Maddi said.

"okay. Which ones?" I asked.

"Priority." Maddi said.

"ok. Go to the website and lets pay. I will pay for yours." I told her.

"thanks bæ!" She said.

"your welcome bæ!" I said.

Then we went on the website and I payed for our priority tickets. After that I drove Maddi to her house and we packed her stuff. Then she told her mom we were going to Magcon Atlanta. She was totally fine with it.

When we were done there we went back to my house and packed my stuff. We told my mom and she told us to be safe. When we left, I was pretty excited but Maddi wouldn't shut up.

We arrived at the airport and bought our tickets. A waited for like a half hour then, our plane was called. We got on the plane and I got a window seat and Maddi sat next to me. We watched movies and fell asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"dude! Wake up!" Maddi said as she shook me.

"i'm up i'm up!" I said and got my carry on bag. And we walked out.

then we got our bags and called a taxi. The taxi came and took us to a hotel. The exact hotel that the boys are at.

When we got to our room we put our bags down and walked around. Down the hall a heard screaming.

A ran to the room and knocked on the door. and some one opened. It was...

(A/N: lol cliff hanger)

the boy with the bandanaWhere stories live. Discover now