Borrowed Light

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The moon and sun can never be on equal terms
For who can compare the day and night
And not find it to be in two extremes.
The sun burns on its own accord
And it's light is enough to blind the eyes
And illumine the void.
The moon only borrows what the sun credits
It shines even when it has nothing of its own
Like a streak of hope in despair.
Don't compare a fire with the flicker
One is full of itself, the other a hope
A Wait,  a promise,  an anticipation of what is to come
Something to hold on to.
Sometimes it's okay to shine with borrowed light
To fake a smile and pretend happiness
And move on
Till sun shines again
Sometimes it takes courage to be the guiding light
And be a channel,  crossover,  a bridge
And not the destination.
It's OK to borrow some light when you have none.

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