Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Happy 16th birthday Teresa!” Oh I hate growing up! Like any other, stay young forever! But… something about this seems so… unusual. Where is mom? Why didn’t they wake me up so early in the morning? Well that I am glad of that but something is just wrong.

“We got you a little present. And by little, we mean little.” They gave me a really small… tape recorder?

“Why tape recorder? Umm are we like going back to the old times?” I asked. We are in the middle of the technology revolution people!

“No! You have to play it. We bought a player for that kind of stuff. And here is your other gift.” He handed me a box. I opened the wrapper and saw a… Iphone box! Oh my gosh! I quickly opened the box and saw the glory. I phone 5C. Not bad for old school people…

“Thank you so much! But why did you buy this now?” I asked while reading the instructions.

“I hope it will con- I mean, cover up for the next few weeks.” Hmm. What was he trying to say? And most of all, what will happen in the next few weeks?

A/N: So? How is chapter 1? Was it longer than all my other chapters that I wrote in my other book? Comment what you think. I made a new uploading schedule. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will upload this book and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I will upload my other book. I will try my best to follow the schedule but if too much homework or other stuff is bestowed upon me, I might not upload. Hope you understand. (I mean, we all know school is ruining our free-time) Bye ;). And I am expecting 1 vote and 1 comment. (lol that is so low but still!)

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