A Mechanic's Sweet Sixteenth

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"Hey brother."


"Winry's birthday is coming up soon.'

"Yeah, the day after tomorrow."

"It is her sixteenth, we should get her something special."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I am the one who has have been giving suggestions for the last few years."

"Because I don't know what to get a mechanic otaku."

"That is your goal this year. You have to come up with something to get Winry."

"That's not fair. Where do I even start?"

"I am not helping."

"Come on, please?"



"Figure it out yourself, brother."

"Fine. I will come up with a gift so grand, Winry will be speechless." There is a sigh from Alphonse.

"I will be waiting to see it, then," replies the armored brother. The conversation ends there, between the Elric brothers, because the smaller brother dozed off to sleep. Probably thinking of a grand gift for the young Rockebell girl.

{The Next Day}

"Hey brother have you thought of a gift yet?"

"Have you decided to be nice enough to help?"


The Elrics travel through the crowded streets of downtown., hoping to find a store that sells something worthy of Winry. Nothing stands out to them as miraculous, though.

"Do you think she wants something girly?" Edward asks his younger brother.

"What do you think? You know Winry as well as me, if not better. My guess is just as great as yours. Plus we have gotten her jewelry for the past two years," Alphonse says.

"No, last year we bought her some equipment, remember, because I broke my arm the day before her birthday, and we thought it would be funny to get her the equipment to fix it," Ed reminds the armor.

"I remember that now. That was your idea, if I recall. So sometimes, you do have good ideas," points out Alphonse.

"We should get her a pair of earrings," suggests Ed.

"No offense brother, but that isn't really grand," Al replies. Ed stops almost suddenly, and Al almost walks over the tiny alchemist. "Why did you stop, brother?"

"I'm thinking. We could get her tools, again."

"You can't pull the same gift, two years in a row."



"A dog."


"We could get her a dog. Lieutenant Hawkeye has a dog, and she seems to like it," Ed says.

"They already have a dog," Al points out, "plus cats are better."

"So, they can have two dogs, and isn't Den technically Granny's?" asks Ed.

"But you don't understand how hard it is to take care of a pet," Al says.

"Good thing I am not taking care of it then," Ed says, starting to move forward again.

"Brother, please think about this first," Al pleads.

"I already have," and that was the end of the conversation.

A Mechanic's Sweet SixteenthWhere stories live. Discover now