"And get ice cream." I shrugged and he nodded. We went to the car and got in and I went to Bri house.

I stopped in her driveway and hoped out the car and Aiden did the same thing. I opened her door and I heard x whining.

"Aww what's wrong with mommas' baby." I walked up the stairs and went to her room. X started crying more.

I walked in the room and sat on the other side of the bed from her. She handed me x and he was crying with his eyes closed.

"What's wrong with you boy." I asked and he opened his eyes and started laughing. I looked at bro and she looked mad.

"That ain't fair he always do that when you come oh mean self." I laughed. I laid him on the bed and went his draw to get him some clothes for house since he staying with me for the weekend.

I got his clothes and his composites that he wearing to the mall. I put his clothes on him so he can go while Bri went to go get something of his.

"Remember he got an appointment tomorrow at 12." I nodded and put his shoes on.

"Oh, shit my lil boy looking clean as hell

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"Oh, shit my lil boy looking clean as hell." I said and he started kicking his feet.

"Yo momma need to start feeding yo ass cause yo ass need to grow." I saw Bri mug me out the corner of my eye.

"I do feed my baby ain't that right x." We looked at him and he had a mug on his face.

I laughed while Bri straight faced him. "Come on x so we can go to the mall." I scooped him up and got his baby bag.

"Don't be late to that appointment." I nodded while waving her off. I walked down the stairs.

"Come on Aiden." He looked at us and turned the tv off. He walked to us, and we walked out the door with Bri following us.

"You got a car seat for him." I nodded.

"Yea I bought him a stroller and some bottles and stuff to wash him with but I'm moving in a bigger house and Ima decorate his room and Aidens so that's why I ain't get a lot of things for him yet." She nodded.

"Just tell me when you are moving." I looked at her.

"It's probably going to be next month, but I'll call you though." She nodded and said bye to x and went in the house.

"X I believe you made yo mama crazy cause she wasn't crazy before she got pregnant with you well a little but she seems calm now." I said once I buckled him in. Aiden got in the car on the other side.

I closed the door and went on the driver's side. I started blasting drop out by NBA YoungBoy and Aiden started singing it. We were all hype, x was kicking his feet while looking out the window and Aiden was back there acting like he was at a concert. I was driving fast but not to fast cause of x and Aiden.

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