Tj Kippen is NOT That Brave

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With Halloween rolling around, I couldn't help but get excited about all the fun of it. I'm definitely too old to go trick or treating but I like to pass out candy and see all the cute costumes. It's really cool to see the same kids come back each year, just a little older, with a new costume and a new favorite chocolate bar.

I've always loved Halloween.

My sister has always hated Halloween.

Mostly because it was the one day of the year I wouldn't get in trouble for scaring her half to death. I've tried to convince her we should be creepy twins some year, but all I ever get in response is a special finger raised in my direction. This year she decided a Halloween Party with her friend would be a good way to avoid me. Unfortunately for her, we have a lot of the same friends.

"Hey T, you going to Max's party?"

"I wasn't going-" I was cut off.

"Good see you there," and suddenly I was alone and going to a party.

I hate high school parties. Everyone drinks and makes out. It's disgusting. The kind of disgusting that makes you fear what you're sitting might be covered in barf, or spit.

Still I went. If I didn't I'd never hear the end of it from the team, not that I even care anymore.

The living room of Max's house was already filled with couples getting a little 'too' close and people who were clearly high as kites. I walked into the kitchen.

"Nice party right?" Max said, obviously drunk. I wasn't even late to the party. They all just started drinking so hard they were already loopy.

"Sure" I said grabbing a water from the fridge. I opened it and took a sip. I don't drink and I'm probably the only person in the whole school who doesn't.

"You want a real drink, T?" He stumbled over to the counter and handed me a beer. I took it since he insisted but as I left the kitchen I handed it of to someone who actually wanted it. I walked around Max's house. It was actually a nice house if you ignored the red cups on the ground and the giggles of tipsy teenage girls. I didn't dare open any bedroom doors. Hearing it was enough, I didn't to see it too. Like I said,


"Hey Tj, we're playing a game come onnnn," yelled some guy from behind me. I turned around followed him. If I'm gonna be bored out of my mind, I might as well have some kind of fun.

We stopped at a circle of teens and in the center was a bottle, I should've known better, but I sat down anyways, next to some girl who immediately started to lean on me. I pushed her off and to the person on the other side of her.

"Who's first?" This was a mistake.

"T? How 'bout you?" A mistake.

"whatever" a Big Mistake.

The bottle spun and slowed to a stop. I looked at who it was pointing at.

Cyrus Goodman.

"It's ok, just go again, I don't even know who invited that homo."

Cyrus's head hung low. He started to get up.

"Wait! Cyrus!" He ran off and I chased after him. He stormed into one of the bedrooms, so even against my best judgement, I followed him.

"Stop!" He yelled at me, "Stop trying to help."

He looked at me and that's when I noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Cyrus those guys are wrong." It hurt me to see him in pain.

"Are they? I am a homo. I am a fairy. I'm a worthless piece of trash." He shouted back.

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