02 ; remembering sunday [taken]

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❝i don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl?❞

they met on a sunday, she left on a sunday.



so ashton meets this girl in a cafe on sunday and they talk and become friends and he soon falls for her. she's the secretive mysterious type and ash breaks her walls all that cliché-ness. she's falling too but knows she can't because (now this is where it gets hazy) there's this ex who is chasing after her to the point where it becomes stalkerish, she pleads for him to go away but he doesn't listen to her and is more determined to make her his again. so she's in this forced into this relationship, and stops believing in love, but soon realises she's falling for ash and knows she has to get away from him or else the ex will hurt him. but ash is still oblivious and keeps falling for her until he comes to a point where he's going to tell her how she feels, but she just disappears (doesn’t appear at the cafe on sunday). he asks her neighbours where she went but they tell him they don't know, until they finally break it to him that she committed suicide.

the story could start or end with ash waking up at 2am and can't sleep becasue he's been dreaming of the girl.

im thinking the other boys could also be incorporated into it e.g they could be ash's bestfriend, or the girl's neighbour or even the stalker ex aye

shit now i wanna write this now

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