Family Dinner

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AN: It's rushed and not edited but it's all I've got, sorry!

"Tony? I thought you said you would be down in about an hour?", Jarvis said as Tony walked into the kitchen.

"I did, but mum decided to head to bed so she could take me to get my hair cut in the morning", Tony answered.

"Ah", Jarvis said, "Would she like me to bring her something later?"

"She asked if you could save her some and that she'd get it", Tony said before he grabbed a platter of fajita meat from the counter and began for the door.

"Of course. Oh and Tony", Jarvis said, "Could you ask Carla to come in and help me finish up?"

"Yeah I'll ask her", Tony answered before moving through the door and closing it behind him.

There was a blur headed towards his legs as soon as he stepped away from the door but it was quickly intercepted by a marginally larger blur.

"Hey Tony, good to see you again", Mikey, Carla's older son, said with Emily thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey Mike, good to see you too", Tony said before he readjusted his grip on the platter and continued to the large gazebo in the garden.

When he got close enough to the gazebo he figured out who all was there. Carla, José, Jessie, Edward, Joseph, and David were the adults that were present. Taylor and Ricky were the  that were present. Jarvis, Mikey, and Emily we're still at the house.

"Oh! Tony let me take that from you dear", Jessie said as she put down the pitcher of pink lemonade she was holding.

"Thank you Ms. Jessie", Tony said politely before turning to Carla, "Mrs. Carla, Jarvis was wondering if you could help him finish up in the kitchen."

Carla stood up and came around the large picnic table, "Of course I can. I'll be back out in a few minutes, Joseph could you come with me in case there's a lot to carry?"

"Yes Ma'am", Joseph answered before he too left.

"So how have you been Tony?", José asked.

"I've been good", Tony said, "It's nice to be back home."

"I bet it is" Edward said before he stood, "I'm gonna go make sure they don't need any help in the kitchen."

"You just want to sneak some dessert", Jessie said to her husband."

"Yup", he answered simply.

The night went on and it was joy all around. With good food and better family, Howard Stark and his mission to ruin Tony's life slipped the boy's mind.

This was what he loved right here. These people who loved and protected him. He just hoped Howard wouldn't find some way to ruin this too.

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