protect the balance

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It had been weeks since jimins stress heat and he was doing fine. He hadn't been approached by anyone. He was glad the mean alphas were gone but again wanted friends.

He was walking in the hallways in school with taehyung when he overheard someone talking about a party. That was his chance

"Tae. Theres a party at the football field tonight ita gonna be huge" jimin squealed and Taehyung rolled his eyes

"No" was his short answer continuing his way to class

"Tae~" jimin whined and taehyung again rolled his eyes

"You act like yoongi will ever let you go. Its a highschool party full of horny teens and alphas.  we are one of the few omegas left. It would be stupid to go with all the boneheads that are gonna be there"

Jimin huffed and pouted walking down the hallway to his english class understanding but not happy with taehyungs decision

When he entered the classroom the teachers and students stood and bowed as most of then were humans who thought funny myths of the mate of an alpha leader

He blushed and huffed walking over to his seat which is next to a human boy named hue.

He peeked over and starred at jimin

"What" jimin spat annoyed with the lingering stare of the human

"You seem moody" hui chuckled and jimin groaned slamming his forehead onto the desks

"Cant you leave me alone like everyone else" he whispered and hui chuckled

"You dont want to be alone you feel casted out" hui said and jimin looked up at him with his big eyes

"Yeah. I noticed"he chuckled and jimin rolled his eyes

"I also know you want to go to the party tonight. Ill take you that is if alpha doesnt have a problem"  hui said and jimin groaned even more

"Yoonie wont let me go i know he wont"  jimin pouted and hui chuckled squeezing his cheeks .they spent about five minutes playfully hitting eachother which meant no harm until wonho pushed hui making his fist fly to jimins face.

Before jimin could react a giant growl errupted through the room jimin smelled his mate and turned around starring at yoongi who was now shifting into his wolf form when he saw jimins bleeding nose

Jimin had to think fast as yoongi was now cornering hui when he tried to run

Jimin shifted ripping his clothes apart and running to his mate

He whined at yoongi and yoongi turned around snaring into his face making jimin whimper. But jimin needed to protect his friend or so he hoped hui was his friend now

He slid in front of hui and whimpered bowing showing his mate he wasnt going against him but he didnt agree

"He hurt you .your nose was bleeding jimin move out of my way" yoongi linked jimin and jimin shook his head

"It wasnt his fault. Someone pushed him" jimin said back and yoongi nodded walking up and licking jimins nose and cheek

Yoongi shifted completley naked but not caring , jimin on the other hand ran in front of his manhood growling at anyone whos eyes strayed from his face

"If you want to test a true bloods love for his mate you can. But as an alpha i must protect my mate. Because i love my mate i spared you the first time now i cant ignore it. Wonho i challenge you to a fight. You have the advantage of choosing two people to fight with you adult or student" he announced and wonho smirked

"I accept. I choose felix and hyungwon"

Yoongi nodded shaking hands with the boy before turning to the class

"The real reason i am here is to talk about things with pack businesses. Humans are allowed to join a wolves pack. The only thing is you will not do any fighting youll be a home wolf like betas" yoongi said and the class ooed

"Are you sure only betas. Cause your omega mate seems like a good housewife" wonho chuckled and yoongi stiffened

"Omegas are extinct" he said and continued on

"Ha. Sure they are" he chuckled smirking at yoongi which he ignored

"Again. If you and your family have troubke with finance, or if you just dont have parents come to us you will be accepted but we arw cautious. Just becauew you dont like your parents doesnt mean you leave them. Wolves main goal in life is to be loyal. Remekber that. And wonho our dual goes down three days from now. Train as hard as you can" yoongi said picking up his coat to cover himself.

"Ill be on my way and im takinf jimin with me. Lets go pup" he aaid and jimin didnt change back he stayed in wolf form walking beside yoongi happy as yoongi woiod rub his ears as they walked

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