"Oh my gosh, take those off." He's wearing the tightest skinny jeans I've ever seen. How did he even get those on?

"Why?" Nik asks, sounding hurt. I uncover my eyes, trying to rephrase my sentence to something nicer when I see his face. He's smirking. I pick up the pair of pants next to me and throw them at him. "I think I look sexy af." I raise my eyebrows and laugh as he strikes three poses in quick succession. I shake my head ready to push him back into the dressing room when I hear whispers behind me. I turn around and see a group of girls staring at Nik.

"Looks like you've attracted an audience," I say turning back to Nik. His cheeks light up as he runs back into the dressing room. "And I'm using one of my veto's. You are not getting those jeans." I start picking through the clothes on the chair. "You know what? I'm vetoing all of these pants."

"Is that his girlfriend," I hear one of the girls whisper. I block them out as I re-fold the jeans and stack them to the side. Nik comes out of the dressing room, walking over to me.

"What about the shirts?" He asks, pulling his jacket back on. I pull out one t-shirt and put it with the jeans before handing him a pile of five shirts.

"These I like." Nik smiles, grabbing the shirts from me.

"Has to be his girlfriend," another girl whispers. Nik and I look at each other a smile forming on our lips.

"Thank you for you help today babe." Nik wraps his arm around my waist pulling me to his chest.

"Anything for you," I whisper as he leans down, planting a kiss on my forehead. Jesus this is weird. The girls storm off disappointed as we make our way to the check out line. Nik keeps his arm around me until we hear a growl behind us. We fly apart as we meet Lucius' gaze.

"Well shit," Nik mumbles. I reach over and grab his arm.

"Don't worry, I'll save you." He rolls his eyes as the lady behind the counter calls him up. Lucius glares at Nik's back as I walk over to him. "It's not what you think." He finally breaks eye contact with Nik's back and turns his glare on me. I take a cautious step forward and when Lucius doesn't move, I wrap my arms around him. After what seems like forever, Lucius relaxes and wraps his arm around me.

"She's with both of them? What a slut," one of the girl's say. I can't even call that a whisper, the whole store could hear it. Lucius stiffens in my arms. I hold onto him, hoping he'll let it go when I hear Nik yell, "hey!" I turn around shocked he'd yell at a girl when I see him storming over to Lucius and I, glaring. My eyes involuntarily widen.

"What the hell?" He grabs my arm, ripping me out of Lucius' grasp and pulling me into his. "She's mine," he growls. I stare at Lucius, eyes wide, wondering what he'll do when a smirk plays on his lips.

"Not my fault she prefers a real man." Holy shit. It takes everything I have to not let my mouth fall open. Lucius takes a step towards me. "It's not my fault she prefers my touch to yours." He puts one hand on my cheek as the other wraps around my waist. Lucius looks challengingly at Nik. "It's not my fault she prefers your older brother." There's a collective grasp from the group of girls to our side. Of course! Nik is putting on a show for them. I look at Nik as he stares between Lucius and I. Finally he shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay," he says as he walks back to the counter and grabs his bag. I pin my lips shut, trying my hardest not to laugh as all the girls' mouths drop open. Once we're out of the store I can't hold it in anymore.

"I can't believe you two." I hit both their arms as I continue to laugh.

"How could you do that to him?!" I turn around to find one of the girls from Hollister glaring at me. I lift my eyebrows, a smile playing on my lips.

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