chapter 05.

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( CHAPTER 5 )❛  grave robbing  ❜

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grave robbing


     THE STONE WALL didn't have the cross behind it, but it wasn't a dead end. They found another clue, and the next morning they were planning on heading out from the hotel, to where the cross should be.

Liz had awoken, gotten dressed, looking around at the empty spot beside her, realizing Sam must have gotten up earlier and was waiting in the car. Maybe she'd catch him alone before Nate had gotten in the car, which pushed her to get ready faster. Checking herself in the mirror, she bit her lip to hide her smile.

This was the life she so desired all those years stuck in the house she grew up in. No wonder she left at 19, she almost wished she left a year earlier. With all the pressure for a perfect future in a place she couldn't stand, she had to leave. And thank God she did, or else maybe she wouldn't have met Sam, or been introduced to the life of an adventurer, the life of a thief of artifacts who could travel the world as they pleased.

Her eyes trailed over her body, satisfied with the outfit she had chosen. A few days ago when they went to the stone wall she made the mistake of wearing a plaid button up, but thankfully she was able to unbutton it with her tank underneath and roll up her sleeves.

Today though, she had a loose red t-shirt, black jeans that cut off at the knees, a pair of runners (of course), and her long brown hair tied in a frazzled pony tail (which would get even frizzier in the humidity sadly). On her neck hung a small necklace that held a small bird, something she told Sam she'd loved. It didn't take long for him to find one and give it to her on one of their dates. It wasn't really valuable, just bought in a market and hung with a cheap chain, but she loved it nonetheless.

Liz swung her backpack over her shoulder and trudged out the door, and when she reached the parking lot her eyebrows knitted together when she couldn't spot the car. Maybe he'd parked it somewhere else,, they didn't.

Liz ran back inside and leaned over the front desk, waiting for someone to help her. Once someone came from the back, she asked them if she'd seen two men leave and described their appearance.

"Yes miss, I believe those two men left in a blue jeep an hour ago."

Liz's heart sunk in her chest, and her eyes began to sting, but with her gaze locked with this woman's she refused to cry. Liz bit her lip to hide how it trembled. "Okay, thanks."

Liz marched towards the room, and once she got in she slammed the door, and threw her backpack on the bed. "Those bastards," she yelled, rubbing her face from the tears as her cheeks burned bright red. She couldn't believe it, they'd just left her here. It was her childhood all over again. She could never leave the house, she couldn't be trusted. She was just a child, after all, but now she was an adult, and she hated not being treated like one, like she couldn't fend for herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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