玫 (1)

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Part 1 out of 2

Junhui woke up to the sound of his alarm making him groan. school again? Really? Aaah he rolled out of bed and lazily walked to the bathroom where he looked into the mirror and found the tattoo from yesterday was now gone.

He wasn't surprised anymore just annoyed. He actually thought he looked really good with that huge tattoo from yesterday but if he actually got something like that his parents would literally murder him in his sleep.

He wants to know why this is happening to him and why it's always different each day. There's no point in asking a doctor since the situation sounds like a crazy person made it up. Junhui for sure wasn't dreaming about this because everything looks and feels real and this would be a long ass dream if it was.
This must be some type of supernatural thing. This doesn't just happen to a random person and Junhui will try his best to find out what the hell is going on with all these tattoos.

Even though he thinks he looks cool.

He looked into the mirror trying to find the other tattoo this must be a small one. I can't find it goddammit.



"Come here!"

Hansol soon came into Junhui's bedroom with a coffee mug in his hand.

"What do you want?" He asked with a tired smug face. "Find the other tattoo, I can't find it" Junhui responded as he started turning around.

Hansol walked up to the older and started looking around but couldn't find anything.

"You sure this thing didn't stop?" Hansol asked as he kept searching. "Why would it stop now" Junhui stated as he looked all along his legs.

"Oh my god what if it's on your ass"

"What!? Check"

"I'm not gonna check"

"Just check real fast"

"No Junhui I'm not looking at your ass"

"This is serious business"

Hansol sighed and looked over Junhui's body again because he is definitely not looking at his roommate's butt and would be traumatized if he ever did.

He looked down his arm and saw a small tattoo of a rose on his left hand right below the thumb.

"It's on your hand idiot"


Junhui took a closer look and saw the cute tattoo "awe this one is so pretty and cute. The color is so nice" he stated.

"Yeah yeah whatever come on we got class to do," Hansol said before walking out of the Chinese boy's bedroom.


"You should've came with us. It was so pretty and you missed out" Hansol pouted as he told Jisoo about their fun weekend. "Are you crazy? It was below zero yesterday and I'm not dumb enough to go outside" Jisoo responded with an eye roll and continued to write down his notes.

"Hey Jisoo. You're still in that business class right?" Junhui asked the boy and got a nod in return.

"Okay. Can you help my friend with some finical stuff? He owns a pet shop by himself and he's having trouble with the money" Junhui asked. He wants to help Minghao as much as he can. Junhui can tell just by the way Minghao talks about the shop that he truly loves and cares about it and Junhui will try his best to keep him happy.

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