Chapter 1: Greetings... I'm the Grim Reaper~

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Alright! Soul Eater X Reaper Reader! Let's do this! Huehuehue wonder who's the lucky one to win the Reaper's heart~?


This is the start of a new journey...

The Meister and Weapon encounters a mysterious individual

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The Meister and Weapon encounters a mysterious individual... "I am the Grim Reaper" he has spoken... Leaving more questions... But none are answered.

-Crow Father.

Maka: The Grim Reaper?

(y/n): That's what I've been called by where I came from.

After hunting and killing the escaped demon, Maka and Soul looked at each other as Soul shrugged and looked back to you.

Soul: Where did you come from anyways?

(y/n): Define "Where did you come from."

Soul: Oh great, don't tell me your one of THOSE type of people.

Maka: Don't be rude, Soul! Uh what he's trying to ask was where do you live?

You point at yourself and replied.

(y/n): Oh me? Trust me, you don't want to know. You'll just be confused.

You said as you lifted your right leg up high and stomped on the dead demon's head, making sure it'll stay down as Maka and Soul aren't seeing the demon's soul anywhere.

Maka: Say... Where is the kishin's soul?

(y/n): I beg your pardon?

Soul: Wait you kidding? The soul of that guy you just killed, if it's dead why isn't it's soul popping out if it's body?

You just stare at the two, confused but you assumed that's how things work in this realm as you noted.

(y/n): Listen, I'm just going to say this straight away, I'm not from this world of yours. So I really don't know anything about you or how your world works. I just got out of a realm where humans takes good care of monsters. So please, I'm in no mood for a headache.

Maka: Right...

Soul: So... Are you saying that your stupid and aware that your stupid?

Suddenly Soul gets smacked in the head with a large book by Maka as she apologizes.

Maka: I'm really sorry, he can be an idiot sometimes.

You didn't care what Soul said and you just looked at the two as they started arguing, funny how they didn't questioned where exactly did you come from or asked about you being "The Grim Reaper." But this made it easier for you.

(y/n)'s Mind: These two... They seem close to one another... Couples I suppose?

You then turned towards the two and simply waved goodbye.

Souls Of A Walking Corpse. [Soul Eater X Male Reaper Reader.]Where stories live. Discover now