Everything Falls Apart

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(Jayde's POV)
BB-8 began to roll towards Rey and I looked to Lana.

"What's down there?" I asked her.

"Just some storage stuff." Lana responded.

"Go after her." Maz told her daughter.

Lana and I watched as Rey walked down the hallway and into a room. Maz walked up behind us and moved her way in front of us as we crept down the hallway.

We heard the panicked noises that Rey was making, but Maz held us back. Rey then backed out of the room and fell in the middle of the hallway. She looked at us.

"What was that?" Rey asked as we moved towards her, "I shouldn't have gone in there."

"That lightsaber was Luke's." Maz told her as we all stood in front of her, "And his father's before him. And now it calls to you."

"Why does she have my grandfather's lightsaber?" I whispered quietly to Lana and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I have to get back to Jakku." Rey told Maz.

"Han told me." Maz took off her goggles and reached out her hand for Rey to take. Rey kneeled down in front of her, "Dear child. I see your eyes. You already know the truth. Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku. They're never coming back."

Rey slowly began to cry and I felt bad for her. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. I was lucky enough to have a family, but she didn't have one at all.

"But there's someone who still could." Maz spoke, as if she was talking to all of us.

"Luke." Lana said.

Maz nodded at her daughter before looking back at Rey, "The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know The Force. I raised someone who has the Force within her." I saw Lana smile, "It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes. Feel it. The light...it's always been there. It will guide you. All of you girls. The saber, take it."

I released Rey from my arms as she looked at Maz, "I'm never touching that thing again. I don't want any part of this."

Maz tried to speak, but Rey wouldn't listen. She looked at me before turning to Lana.

"Follow after her. Take your saber with you." Maz instructed Lana.

Lana nodded and showed that she had her saber. She looked at me and I hugged her one last time before she ran after Rey. BB-8 followed after her.

Once Lana was gone, I turned my gaze to Maz, "What are we going to do?"

Maz simply sighed, "She has a mind of her own. Maybe if she hears what it's like from someone who is just like her, maybe she will understand."

I nodded, "We should probably go get my dad."

Max nodded in agreement as we headed back into the cantina.

"Dad, Rey's gone. Maz sent Lana after her, but..." my dad stopped me.

"I know, Jayde. I saw them both." My dad said.

We heard the screams coming from outside. Maz, dad, and I all looked at each other. We walked outside and looked up. Chewie met up with us, crossbow in hand.

"It was the Republic." Finn ran up to us, "The First Order. They've done it." He looked around, "Where's Rey?"

"We sent Lana after her." He looked confused by my statement, "The white haired girl. She's got it under control. I promise."

He just nodded. Maz led us back into the cantina and led us back into the dark hallway that I had come out of just a few minutes earlier.

Maz huffed as we made our way down the hallway, "I've had this for ages." She went in the room and opened the chest, pulling out the lightsaber, "Kept it locked away."

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