"I'm sorry I just—"

"I don't want to hear anything from you." she scoffs.

"Your boyfriend fucked the dead girl and lied about it."

"Well at least my boyfriend's not a fucking rapist." She tries to slap me but I catch her wrist.

"Try that again, and I will snap your wrist in two."


Dear Saturday,

If a lot of shit is happening in my life during the week, do you think you could come a little faster?

Signed your slightly irritated weekender,

Jade Adams

Turns out it was Monty behind all the threats. Clay, Tony, Zach, Justin, Alex and Scott went to confront him about the polaroids. He says he took them but he lied and deserted Alex in some weird spot.

So now we're back to square one: who took the polaroids and where did they put them?

"Hey Jade can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Deran. What's up?"

"Um there's a uh woman at AA. Her name is Lauren."

"Ok. Are you thinking that I'd be mad if you date her?"

"No, no I don't want to date. At least not right now."

"Deran It's ok if you do. Mom's been gone for a few years. It's good to put yourself out there."

"Really?" I nod. "She won't be upset?"

"She'd want you to be happy

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"She'd want you to be happy. And I'm not saying that you have to marry her tomorrow. I'm saying having a friend who's a girl is nice too."

"Thanks Jay."

"Anytime D."

I open the door and step out to get the mail, when a car honks behind me. I turn around.

"Get in loser. We're going to catch a rapist." Ryan says from inside. I throw the mail on the table in the house, tell Deran I'm leaving and come back out.

"Um... this is a small car..."

"I know. Just get in." Clay says from the front seat.


Clay and Alex give Jessica a pep talk to persuade her to come with us to the police station to give her testimony.

Jessica sees us all around Clay's car.

"Let's go Jessica!" I yell

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"Let's go Jessica!" I yell. "We all stuffed our asses into this small ass Prius for you! It feels like a goddamn clown car."

"Jessica will you please tell your friend to stop insulting my car?" Clay says back.

"It's not our fault you wouldn't let us take our own cars."

We all sit in the waiting area for Jessica to finish. She comes out and we all stand.

"I'm so proud of you

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"I'm so proud of you." Alex says before he hugs her.

"That was intense." I say. "I need a smoke."

"But you—"

"I know I quit." I say, cutting Jessica off. "But this was too much."

"You think this was bad? Wait until the verdict." Courtney says.


We all sit anxiously in the courtroom as the jury comes in and sits. Zach takes my hand.

"What say you?"

"We the jury in the case of Andrew and Olivia Baker versus the Evergreen County School District, find the defendant not responsible."

"Bullshit." I say. I fold my arms and lean back on the bench.

Mrs. Baker is going to give a statement outside the courtroom but I feel defeated enough.

"Are you coming out?" Zach asks me.

"Yeah. In a minute." He smiles and follows everyone else outside. I see Sonya speaking with her partner as she packs up. "Hey." I begin.

"Hi, I'm uh sorry."

"It's fine. We couldn't both win."

"Your side put up a good fight."

"They did. I just wanted to say congrats and enjoy the whiskey."

"I will. Thank you. If you ever need a lawyer." She gives me her card. "Give me a call." I take the card.

"Let's hope I don't." I smile and leave the courtroom.

Just as I join everyone, Bryce is getting arrested based off of Jessica's testimony. And with a strange twist: Justin gets arrested as an accessory.

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